Benefit Reforms: Impact and Opportunities Paul Martin Chief Executive Wandsworth Council January 2012
Why change is needed - London Jobs vs Employment Rate
Some downside risks Councils have generally been efficient administrators of council tax and housing benefit Our current role connects us to our communities on a face-to-face basis Benefit administration has provided jobs at a local level throughout the country Councils have taken the risks of fraud seriously, and have rigorous audit arrangements.
Upside opportunities Helping people get into work, and work more hours, is a role for which councils are well suited Good councils know their local workforce, colleges, training institutions and employers Government policy places councils at the heart of the Troubled Families agenda We could be enablers of both the Work Programme and Universal Credit Local political leadership in this area can make an amazing difference
Issues to be resolved The phased introduction of Universal Credit - how will this work? Universal Credit is “digital by default” - how many people will require face-to-face support? How can family recovery interventions really integrate with the Work Programme/Universal Credit?