Plan Collaborate Deliver Breakout 3 - Outcome Project WIKI Management: Working to Improve Data Accessibility
Contents Slides 3-4: Breakout intro slides used at CSS Slide 5: Topics to prompt discussion – with high level outcomes Slide 6: WIKI Audience considerations Slide 7: Challenges of the WIKI Slide 8: Recommendations
PhUSE Team Tools: Teamwork Sites (Private) & Project WIKIs (Public) What information needs to be shared on Project WIKI Project WIKI organization/indexing information “Living White Papers” on Project WIKIs Core Team access to Teamwork sites – Needed? Concerns & challenges with current tools (Teamwork site & WIKI)
What information needs to be shared on Project WIKI? Considerations New PhUSE members finding information about project & co-lead contact information Ability to easily tell what the group is currently working on (e.g., meeting minutes)
Topics used to prompt discussion – details in following slides CSS 2018 Nonclinical topics Breakout 3 Project WIKI management – Discussion Outcomes Topics used to prompt discussion – details in following slides Is WIKI the right platform? General outcome: with some improvement, it’s OK – it is what we have available. How to facts and training for WIKI General outcome: no one wants to do a lot of training to find information Pros/Cons Challenges discussed Wiki vs PhUSE Website vs Teamwork sites Generally: project teams decide if they want to add use of Teamwork. Some see it as duplication. “Where am I?” issues between Wiki and Website were common experiences
CSS 2018 Nonclinical topics Breakout 3 Project WIKI management – Discussion Outcomes Audience of the NCT WIKI – why do they visit? Looking for information Want to join a working group or project Already in a project, so adding/reading content Want to add a comment or ask a question Audience of the NCT WIKI – what do they think? “Public customers” of WIKI probably don’t care “how we work” among the projects Working documents, minutes, etc. are not that useful to them. Forum/FAQ customers need quick turn-around of Questions. Generally folks in the room felt this is satisfied well.
CSS 2018 Nonclinical topics Breakout 3 Project WIKI management – Discussion Outcomes Challenges of the WIKI “Stuff I’m looking for is 5 levels into the WIKI.” No good index of content “Where am I” issues: “Am I on the WIKI or the PhUSE Website?” Sending colleagues, with a question, to the right place in the WIKI is hard “I can’t get back to where I was.” Can’t add multiple files at once; limited file sizes
CSS 2018 Nonclinical topics Breakout 3 Project WIKI management – Discussion Outcomes Recommendations TEAMSITE is better for meeting minutes – not necessary for WIKI To find things more easily: navigation and design improvements needed Consistency helps Assure final key deliverables are separately presented: not mixed in with working content (i.e: in the middle of the project page) Have a clear “Landing” page for the project, designed to be most useful to PUBLIC visitors