A business will use promotional activities to communicate the benefits of their products to their targeted customers.
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Promotion is not just advertising – it is a planned series of activities, which can include different types of promotions. These must relate to the businesss objectives. For example, a business might want to increase its market share, it might want to widen its customer base or increase the number of repeat purchases. objectivescustomer baserepeat purchases
There are a range of promotional activities available to business such as; Sales Promotions Merchandising Personal Selling Exhibitions and Trade Fairs Advertising Public Relations Sponsorship
providing customers with a direct incentive to buy products, such as an offer of a free cinema ticket when purchasing a meal in a fast-food restaurant.
the use and arrangement of in-store display equipment to communicate the benefits of a product and/or present the product in a favourable way, such as product display units in a fashion shop.
personal, face-to-face communication aimed at informing and persuading customers. For example, salespersons in a retail outlets are able to give information about products.
a display of several businesses products intended to communicate the benefits of products to potential customers. Venues like the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham and Olympia in London are regularly used for trade fairs.
communicating with customers through mass media, such as television, radio and newspapers.
raising awareness through obtaining favourable publicity in the media. For example, a retailer opening a new store might arrange a launch event to get coverage in local newspapers.
Improving the image of a business and/or product by funding unrelated activities. For example, many businesses sponsor football teams, allowing them to put the business name or logo on the kit and giving them good publicity.
FIT THESE INTO THE CATAGORIES BELOW. Some may fit into more than one. Sales Promotions Merchandising Personal Selling Exhibitions and Trade Fairs Advertising Public Relations Sponsorship
Promotional Mix
Set of clear objectives; an intended target audiencetarget audience Decide what promotional mix to use Allocate staff to work on the campaign Allocate resources for the campaign Set a budget, based on costs for the work identified. All of this will need to be determined on our visit.
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