Dealing With Customers and the Media Phil Arnold
The customer is always right! My taxes are paying your salary and I expect good service!
While the customer may not always be right, they may have some good points. Put yourself in the customer’s place. You may be in a position to really help them out. Try to understand why they have contacted you. Try to be sympathetic.
What Do Customers Want? Information Courtesy Information! A timely response Information!
Do We Have the Information? Analyze what the customer is asking. What information can we give the customer? Do we know of an alternative source? When possible, give or send the information to the customer.
The Philosophy of Customer Service Customer service is the highest priority. Good customer service makes friends and influences people. Without customers we wouldn’t have a job!
Is the Media a Customer?
The Media is a Unique Customer They often have a very large audience. They are always looking for information. They love having consistent, reliable news sources.
A Symbiotic Relationship There is real “give-and-take” between the media and us. We have the information they want. They have the audience we want to reach.
Asking a Favor of the Media Don’t ask anything affecting editorial content. Don’t ask to change journalistic content. Ask for historical articles. To whom should you send a press release.
Danger, Will Robinson! Bad news sells newspapers and can make your employer look very negative. Misquotes are a way of life with some media outlets. Avoid arguing with the media because they control the presentation.
TWC’s Communications Department is a Great Resource Board employees and contractors should be aware of local policies concerning media interviews. TWC Employees should refer media interviews to the Communications Department which is agency policy. The Open Records Act addresses releasing information to the public. When in doubt, consult the Communications Department.
Establish a Relationship with the Media The media is a customer seeking information. The media has a large audience you can only dream of reaching. Have a good working relationship with media outlets. Be careful about negatives because they may come back to haunt you.
The Essence of a Journalistic Article Who What Where When Why How
Texas Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Rate Ties 1999 Low November’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Texas dropped to 4.4 percent from 4.7 percent in October — marking the second time this year that the rate has hit a 20-year low, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) announced today. The first time the rate dropped to 4.4 percent this year was in August; the drop is four-tenths of a percentage point lower than the 4.8 percent rate of one year ago. “The low rate represents a record number of Texans — some 9,929,700 men and women — who were employed in November,” said TWC Chair Diane Rath. When Where What Who Why How
The Descending Pyramid Style of Writing The most important information comes first. Tie-up the loose ends at the conclusion.
The Lead A summary statement that begins a news story or press release containing the most important information.
Texas Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Rate Ties 1999 Low The Lead Texas Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Rate Ties 1999 Low November’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Texas dropped to 4.4 percent from 4.7 percent in October — marking the second time this year that the rate has hit a 20-year low, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) announced today. The most important facts included in this case: Who, What, Where, When.
Writing a Press Release Identify the five W’s and a How for the future story Identify and prioritize the information If possible, avoid using the passive voice The A. P. Style Manual is a good reference for writing a press release
The Information Who: the Midland Workforce network and 25 employers What: a job fair featuring Midland area employers to reach prospective employees Where: the Midland County Conference Center (2525 Smith Rd.) When: July 1st, 9 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. Why: trying to help employers find employees and helping people looking for jobs to find work How: interviewing process and applications taken
Lead What Who When Where How Why A job fair, sponsored by the Midland Workforce Network featuring 25 Midland area employers, will occur Tuesday July 1 at the Midland County Conference Center. Employers will occupy booths at the conference center, located at 2525 Smith Road, to meet with prospective employees conducting interviews and taking applications. The job fair is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and last until 4:30 that afternoon. Midland City Councilmember Rowena Gestaldt says, “this is a great opportunity for area job seekers to meet with employers and find solid job leads.” This is the first of three area job fairs sponsored by the Midland Workforce Network scheduled to happen during the remainder of 2003. When Where How Why
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