Real women
When I was little…
Being a girl…
Blobs and steps
What’s it like being a girl right now?? what’s good, what’s rubbish, what’s fun, annoying, enjoyable, funny, stupid, etc.
The good girl A Good Girl should… be clever. Not be a geek/nerd. Not be skinny. Have a relationship. Have friends. Not be bitchy. Join in with gossip. Not be fat. Work hard. Not eat too much. Be kind. Be polite. Not play sport too much. Not get too serious about a relationship. Look good. Be fit and healthy. Not be competitive. Not be vain or up themselves. Have a social life. Not be out too much. Not stay in.
Exploding the expectations Stereotypes most associated with women: Feminine Affectionate Emotional Superstitious Attractive Sensitive Sexy Stereotypes most associated with men: Masculine Adventurous Forceful Strong Tough Coarse
movietime What are the assumptions each film challenges? How do you feel about those expectations? Are the films useful?
Sexual expectations A girl should… Have a b/gf. Not get too serious. Kiss them. Not too much. Dress to attract people. Not dress like a slut. Have a sex-life. Not admit it. Be ‘up for a laugh’. Not enjoy herself too much. Not get pregnant or a disease. Not carry a condom. Not be a slut. Not be frigid.
Who am i?
Sexual expectations Who am I? What do I want? What do I enjoy? What do I like about my body? What feels good? What would I like to try? What would I not like to try? What would I like to wait for? Who is she? What does she want? What does she enjoy? What does she like about her body? What feels good? What would she like to try? What would she not like to try? What would she like to wait for? What kind of partner (if any) would she like?
In all of this, you will change
Practise being you
Flattening out the steps…
Girls don’t have to be each other’s competition
PODS 1 is brought to you today by the letters g and l and www PODS 1 is brought to you today by the letters g and l and
Bechdel test
what is sexiness?
what is sexiness?
what is sexiness?
THE WOMEN’S BILL OF RIGHTS Live a life of peace free from abuse and fear. Feel valued, respected and appreciated for who I am. Express my thoughts And opinions without judgment or criticism. Share equally in all decisions related to relationship, children, home and finances. Grow as a person, have my own goals, and develop my own talents and abilities. Have friendships outside my relationship that are sustaining and satisfying. Have control over my body – to be able to refuse sex, to engage in safe practices, to choose my birth control method, and whether or when to have children or become pregnant. Have freedom of movement without fear of repercussion. Feel safe wherever I am. Seek help if I need it. Believe that I am an important, powerful and beautiful human being
THE GIRL’S BILL OF RIGHTS Girls have the right to be themselves and to resist gender stereotypes. Girls have the right to express themselves with originality and enthusiasm. Girls have the right to take risks, to strive freely, and to take pride in success. Girls have the right to accept and appreciate their bodies. Girls have the right to have confidence in themselves and to be safe in the world. Girls have the right to prepare for interesting work and economic independence.
Spiritual health How am I part of something bigger than me? How do the concepts of purpose, meaning, loneliness, death, freedom affect me? What do I think/feel about them? What are some of my values and beliefs? How do I live by them? Where / Who / What is God?
Peggy Orenstein and Courtney Ferrell TEDx
LINKS ban bossy – run like a girl – labels against women - nike also has a range of adverts around expectations on female health and sport. bechdel - peggy orenstein - courtney ferrell ted -