Ethical Treatment of Animals 2017 NPLC Annual Meeting Ft. Worth, TX
Ethical Treatment Ethical: Relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these. Specifically with animals Involving care or how we approach animal husbandry
National Pedigreed Livestock Council Statement of Position on Animal Care The National Pedigreed Livestock Council encourages producers to: Produce a quality, wholesome, nutritious product Provide a high standard of livestock health Manage livestock in a humane manner Use and maintain transportation and handling facilities that provide livestock health and safety Provide feed and water to maintain livestock health and productivity Consult with a licensed veterinarian concerning animal health care practices Use approved livestock health products according to label directions Sustain and conserve natural resources by proper management of land, air, water and wildlife Support and maintain rural and family traditions important to our society As stated on
International Association of Fairs & Expos Showring Code of Ethics Proof of ownership, length of ownership, age of animals Animal health certificates are required Junior exhibitors care for their own animals throughout entire feeding period Drug residue free (Residue Avoidance Program) No physical alterations Proper use of showring equipment No judge, official, show management, interference/misconduct No conspiracy or collusion of wrongdoing Animal is exhibitors responsibility Consent to disciplinary action Verification by owner
SFT Residue Avoidance Unapproved Drug Use Approved Drug Use Illegal, unapproved specie/classification Approved Drug Use Still may be ineligible to compete Must be free and clear of residue upon entering fairgrounds Zero Tolerance Elimination period vs. Withdrawal period Inspection Reserve the right to test/inspect any animal entered for competition Legal review of release & indemnity forms
Drug Classes – how to approach Unapproved/Illegal Illegal Off-specie Off-class Performance Enhancing Many are approved NSAID Steroids Beta-Agonist Other
Residue Avoidance Infraction Consequences Disqualification Withholding prizes, money, (title) Suspension of future participation 2 yrs (or other) Remainder of Youth/Junior career Lifetime Scholarship hold Other organization’s ideas