MUSTAFA RAMI Grade : 9 : D
ABSCOND To run off or to hide Synonyms : bolt, make of, skip down Example : The suspect absconded to Canada.
ACCESS Approach or admittance to places Synonyms : entry Access is permission to enter a secure area.
ANARCHY A lack of government and law Synonyms : chaos, disorder, turmoil Anarchy defined and explained with examples
ARDUOUS Hard to do Synonyms : hard ;difficult Example : arduous to be a Doctor
AUSPICIOUS Favorable ; fortunate Synonyms : promising The rings of the new moon was an auspicious occasion
DAUNT To overcome with fear Synonyms : dismay Daunt is defined as to intimidate some one
DISENTANGLE To free from tangles or complications Synonyms : unravel,unwind It also would disentangle religion from cosmology and formal philosophy.
FATED Determined in advanced by destiny Synonyms : destined, preordained The poor exam scores fated her future because college acceptance was reliant on them.
HOODWINK To mislead by a trick, swindle Synonyms : put one over on,fool Do not let yourself be hoodwinked into buying things you do not need them.
INANIMATE Not having life Synonyms : dead Between inanimate matter and man are ruthlessly swept away ;only one soul, to man.