Jeopardy Hosted by Mr. Gipson
America Become a World Power Imperialism Immigration Labor Unions America Become a World Power 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Row 1, Col 1 What is Ellis Island? The Island that immigrates from Europe filtered through when coming into America. Row 1, Col 1
What is Socialism? An economic system: all people should be equal. This equality is produced through many government programs like welfare, free healthcare, free education, etc. 1,2
Who is Teddy Roosevelt? President of America who believed America should, “Walk softly and carry a big stick.” 1,3
What is Japan? This Asian country was also becoming an imperialistic power along with America. 1,4
The island immigrates from Asia stopped at before entering America What is Angel Island? The island immigrates from Asia stopped at before entering America 2,1
What is a Strike? When the employees of a company refuse to work, make demands of the company they work for, and won’t return to work until an agreement is met. 2,2
What is Gunboat Diplomacy? When a country does something that America doesn’t like, America will relocate military forces (typically naval forces) close to that countries borders in hopes it will influence them. 2,3
What is Hawaii? The US took control of this country under the guise of “protecting Americans” located there. 2,4
What is Nativism? The belief that your ethnic group or generation is more American than another ethnic group 3,1
What is an 8 hour work day? The Haymarket Riots of 1886 established this benefit for American workers. 3,2
What is Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy? America will ensure that countries in the Western Hemisphere are democratic and peaceful places 3,3
European countries were dividing up control of this continent What is Africa? European countries were dividing up control of this continent 3,4
What is the Social Gospel? Carnegie’s idea: Wealthy individuals who have benefitted from society have a responsibility to give back to society 4,1
What is the Pinkertons? DAILY DOUBLE! 4,2
What is the Monroe Doctrine? Other countries are not allowed to invade or take over any country in the Western Hemisphere. 4,3
The sun never sets on this empire What is the British Empire. The sun never sets on this empire 4,4
What are settlement houses? Houses in which wealthy people would socialize with poorer people in a community 5,1
What is the Pullman Strike of 1894? Established Labor Day 5,2
What is the Roosevelt Corollary? If another country economically interferes with a country in the Western Hemisphere, the United States will protect that country 5,3
Who is Alfred T. Mahan? Wrote a book about Naval Supremacy and the importance of a Navy to being a world power 5,4