Parent Showcase Night December 6, 2018 Welcome to Aprende Parent Showcase Night December 6, 2018
Aprende PTSO Please visit our PTSO website for details regarding how to get involved as a parent at Aprende:
Sixth Grade Teachers Math Mrs. Staudohar Mr. Phillips Ms. Tucker English Language Arts Mrs. Shelton Ms. Hobbs 6th Grade Administrator Amy Violette Counselor Brook Norris Social Studies Mr. Hayes Mrs. Kuznia (Humanities) Mrs. Taylor Science Mrs. Woulf Mrs. Cronin Ms. Tucker Jaguar Academy Mrs. Biederbeck Mrs. Deer Psychologist Laura Rowley
WEB – Where Everybody Belongs WEB, which stands for Where Everybody Belongs, is a middle school orientation and program that welcomes sixth graders and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their middle school experience.
Current Year-Long & Semester Electives Year-Long Class Band Chorus Orchestra Peer Tutoring (by application) Semester-Long Classes Spanish Exploration Art FACS Theater STEM Computer Science PE (can take P.E. year long) AVID Additional options in 7th/8th grade Advanced Courses (Performing Arts, Art, P.E.) Show Choir Sewing Photography AMS News Theatre Crew
AVID Elective and Spanish Exploratory The AVID Elective and the Spanish Exploratory will be in the 6th grade pod rotation Spanish will present during the first 5-7 minutes and AVID will present during the last 5-7 minutes. If you are interested in learning more about either of these electives, please attend. They will each be housed in the 6th grade Science Labs. AVID Elective/AVID School-wide Spanish Exploratory/High School Level Spanish (7th and 8th grade)
Preference Sheet If you would like more information, Ms. Kory and Ms Preference Sheet If you would like more information, Ms. Kory and Ms. Violette will be available during the 6th Grade POD Rotation. OR OR
Staying Informed Aprende Website Jagwire Newsletter and Text Messaging Aprende Facebook and Instagram Kyrene Communications Coffee Chats Open Enrollment e-mail distribution list (OE opens Jan. 7th) Student Vue/Parent Vue Middle School Program of Study and Course Selection Sheets:
See you in July! Meet The Teacher/Curriculum Night – July 30th