May 2016 802.11 Session Supplementary Material doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0051r2 May 2016 May 2016 802.11 Session Supplementary Material Date: 2016-05-18 Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2016 Introduction This report provides supplementary material related to attending the May 2016 802.11 WG plenary meetings. Refer to the agenda: 11-16/495r<latest> Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2016 Wednesday Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
W2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents May 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0051r2 May 2016 W2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
W2.3 – Thursday CAC reminder May 2016 W2.3 – Thursday CAC reminder Leaders of 802.11 Task Groups, Study Groups, Topic Interest Groups and Standing Committees (or their nominee) should attend the Thursday CAC at 7:30pm. The purpose of the CAC is: To prepare the agenda and material for the closing WG plenary To create room requests for the next session To advise and support the chair in his responsibilities as an EC member Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
W5.2 - Feedback from the EC on the role of SIGs May 2016 W5.2 - Feedback from the EC on the role of SIGs The topic of the role of SIGs arose in the 802 EC workshop held on 23 Jan 2016 in the context of a discussion initially on an “affiliation block”. See Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert. The following slides do not constitute a legal opinion. If you need a legal opinion, consult your attorney. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2016 Dominance The WG chair is given the responsibility for determining dominance: “Determine if the Working Group is dominated by an organization and, if so, treat that organizations’ vote as one (with the approval of the Sponsor)” (802 WG P&P under “Chair’s Responsibilities”). The Sponsor has responsibilities too: “Monitor standards developing committees for signs of dominance by any single interest category, individual, or organization. If dominance is suspected, the Sponsor shall promptly notify the IEEESA Standards Board and shall immediately address the concern with the standards developing committee leadership.” (IEEE SASB OM). Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Dominance – 2 The IEEE SASB bylaws define dominance: (my emphasis) May 2016 Dominance – 2 The IEEE SASB bylaws define dominance: (my emphasis) “Dominance is normally defined as the exercise of authority, leadership, or influence by reason of superior leverage, strength, or representation to the exclusion of fair and equitable consideration of other viewpoints. Dominance can also be defined as the exercise of authority, leadership, or influence by reason of sufficient leverage, strength, or representation to hinder the progress of the standards development activity. Such dominance is contrary to open and fair participation by all interested parties and is unacceptable.” Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2016 What is the role of SIGs? Projects can proceed only with the consensus of the WG voters. Many of our projects attract participants to work together on proposals for those projects, building consensus amongst those involved. This work might be organized in a group called a SIG The SIG may or may not be acknowledged publically A SIG has no formal role in the IEEE process, notwithstanding that it might have influence. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Can an individual be affiliated to a SIG? May 2016 Can an individual be affiliated to a SIG? IEEE-SA bylaws require the disclosure of affiliation The definition of affiliation is “An individual is deemed “affiliated” with any individual or entity that has been, or will be, financially or materially supporting that individual’s participation in a particular IEEE standards activity. This includes, but is not limited to, his or her employer(s) and any individual or entity that has or will have, either directly or indirectly, requested, paid for, or otherwise sponsored his or her participation.” In my opinion, affiliation is largely about material support. Therefore a participant in 802.11 is not affiliated with a SIG (unless that SIG is funding their participation or providing other material assistance) and is not required to disclose any SIG membership under this rule. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2016 Voting in 802.11 See 802 WG P&P: “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives.” When you vote in 802.11, you do so as an individual expert. If: you lack the expertise to make an informed decision your employer or some organization is instructing you on how to vote (i.e., you are not acting as an individual) then you must not vote. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Are SIGs permitted? The IEEE-SA rules neither permit nor prevent SIGs May 2016 Are SIGs permitted? The IEEE-SA rules neither permit nor prevent SIGs The rules define the obligations of members to vote as individual experts They also define the responsibility of the WG/Sponsor to recognize and respond to dominance The EC workshop discussion consensus was that SIGs were OK unless they attempted to coerce their members’ behaviour in an IEEE WG. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
W5.5 – Result of ePoll on contribution effort May 2016 W5.5 – Result of ePoll on contribution effort 46 FTE from 123 respondents Equivalent to 38% Estimate to ~120 FTE across all 802.11 participants ± a big margin Estimates from other groups: 802.01: FTE of ~ 12 per year 802.03: FTE of ~ 108 per year 802.15: FTE of ~16 per year 802.21: FTE of ~5 per year Lots of caveats! Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2016 friday Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents May 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0051r2 May 2016 F2.2 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.4 Administrative Reminders May 2016 F2.4 Administrative Reminders Next Full WG Session: 2016-07-24 to 29 1st CAC telecon – 2016-06-20 at noon ET (-5 weeks) Initial objectives/agendas should be uploaded as mentor documents (.ppt format) or send to chair (.xls tab format) before the telecon. Meeting date set to meet 30-day agenda submission deadline. 2nd CAC telecon – 2016-07-18 at noon ET (-1 week) Snapshots to be send to Dorothy Stanley before this telecon. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.5 Letters of Assurance Detailed status is here: May 2016 F2.5 Letters of Assurance Database is here Open LoA requests (i.e., those that the WG chair is pursuing) None Detailed status is here: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F2.6 Availability of documents- May 2016 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0203r2 March 2014 May 2016 F2.6 Availability of documents- May 2016 Publication Draft in TechStreet Draft in Members Area Published in Get 802? Published by ISO? IEEE P802.11REVmc D5.0 $814 pdf D5.3 IEEE P802.11ai D7.0 $137 pdf D7.0 IEEE P802.11ah D8.0 $302 pdf D8.0 IEEE P802.11ak D2.0 IEEE P802.11aq D3.0 $56 pdf D4.0 IEEE Std 802.11af-2013 $201 print Yes IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013 $309 print IEEE Std 802.11ad-2012 $371 print IEEE Std 802.11ae-2012 $108 print IEEE Std 802.11aa-2012 $185 print IEEE Std 802.11-2012 $556 print ** = request pending Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
F2.7 802.11 drafts to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0203r2 March 2014 May 2016 F2.7 802.11 drafts to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Drafts are sent to ISO during sponsor ballot to solicit comments. Approved drafts may also be sent during working group ballot. Any comments received from ISO are processed by the comment resolution committee No comments outstanding Supplementary Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Andrew Myles, Cisco
F7.1 802 Wireless Chairs meeting May 2016 F7.1 802 Wireless Chairs meeting The wireless chairs meeting makes decisions related to the operation of the wireless interim meetings, such as location and cost. The meeting is open to all. If you are interested in these topics, please attend. The wireless chairs meeting takes place at 4:00pm local time on the Sunday of 802 Plenary and 802 Wireless Interim sessions. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
F7.2 Next Meeting – LMSC Interim May 2016 F7.2 Next Meeting – LMSC Interim 2016-07-24 to 2016-07-29 at Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA IEEE 802 Plenary Meeting Registration and Hotel Registration are open For information and registration links, see Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation