2008 Accountability Conference "What can ABCTools08 offer to help me improve student and teacher achievement" What can ABCTools08 offer to help me improve student and teacher achievement? Facilitated by Geneva N. Squire Northampton County Schools 252-534-1371 x.242 (office) squireg@northampton.k12.nc.us Tyrana B. Battle, Ed. S. Northeast Regional Accountability Coordinator tbattle@coastalnet.com ABCTools08 Full Manual and Install https://www.rep.dpi.state.nc.us/abctools08/
ABCTools08 – What is it? Data Management and Reporting Tool Designed to produce historical audits and reports (targets, growth, matrix, etc.) to meet the requirements of the ABCs and NCLB
ABCTools08 – Who has it? LEA Test Coordinator (school system contact person) NCWise/SIMS Coordinator
ABCTools08 – Where can I find it? https://www.rep.dpi.state.nc.us/abctools08/ 3 phases needed to run properly: MySQL, current version of ABCTools08 Source Editor Setup
Who should have access? At the School Level: Principal and/or Assistant Principal SIMS/NCWise Data Managers/Operators Testing Coordinator Other personnel as deemed appropriate by the LEA Test Coordinator
Inappropriate Uses Teacher Evaluations As the only piece of evidence to make student placement decisions
Security Student Information Electronic and Printed Reports Generated
The Reports Menu: The Historical Audit report can help schools with: Which historical scores are missing Which students need computer skills Which students have met or not met the new EXIT standards. Which students are level 1, 2, 3, 4
Historical Audit The Historical Audit report can help schools with: Which historical scores are missing Which students need computer skills Which students have met or not met the new EXIT standards. Which students are level 1, 2, 3, 4
Student Profile This report provides a complete listing of student test scores; it can be a useful report to print for withdrawing students.
Predictions The reports will list teacher names and predicted scale score of students with Predictor scores entered into SIMS/NCWise. You will have to convert to Level. Use pivot tables to calculate teacher predicted proficiency. Possible use.
DEMONSTRATIONS ABCTools Pivot Tables Instructions for Pivot Tables and Presentation available at www.northampton.k12.nc.us/accountability
PRESENTERS Geneva N. Squire Northampton County Schools 252-534-1371 x.242 (office) squireg@northampton.k12.nc.us Tyrana B. Battle, Ed. S. Northeast Regional Accountability Coordinator tbattle@coastalnet.com 252-795-6449 (office)