Using One Point Perspective to Combine Shapes
Draw a 2” x 2” square in the lower left corner Draw a 2” x 2” square in the lower left corner. Horizon line is 2 inches down from the top of the paper; VP is 6 inches in from either side.
Draw a 2” x ¼” rectangle on top of the cube.
Guidelines to VP.
Draw sides and tops of combined shapes (horizontal & vertical lines)
Erase guidelines.
Draw opening on front of box.
Guideline lines up to VP
Draw leg (vertical line down to diagonal line)
Draw a vertical line on the inside of the box side Draw a vertical line on the inside of the box side. Draw a line that lines up to the VP. Draw a second vertical line to complete the opening on the side of the box.
Erase bottom of opening Erase bottom of opening. Draw a short horizontal lone going into the opening. Draw a vertical line up from the horizontal line, going to the top of the opening.
Erase guidelines.
Erase guidelines.
Erase guidelines.
Draw a 4” x 1” rectangle on the right side Draw a 4” x 1” rectangle on the right side. Make sure it is set in from the edge of the paper. Draw a2” x 2” square next to it.
Guidelines to VP.
Draw the sides and tops of the combined shapes (vertical & horizontal lines).
Erase guidelines.
Draw an opening on the front of the box. Desk legs.
Guideline to VP for desk legs.
Draw the inside of the desk leg.
Erase guideline.
Draw diagonal line to VP across top of desk.
Add depth to the bookcase shelves by drawing horizontal lines.
You do NOT have to shade in the side of the bookcase wall.
Draw a 2” wide X 1” tall rectangle DIRECTLY BELOW the VP.
Guidelines to VP.
Draw top of box using a horizontal line.
Erase guidelines.
Table legs: draw an opening on the front of the box.
Guidelines to VP.
Vertical lines to draw the inside of the legs.
Erase bottom of opening.