Moderate Resolution Change Maps meeo Meteorological and Environmental Earth Observation SAS : Final presentation Moderate Resolution Change Maps Service integration Alan Beccati - MEEO - SAS Project Manager 1
GEO K Moderate Resolution Change Maps Scope User interface Architectural model Lessons Learned
MORE Maps Service Purpose User Perspective Urban area maps and urbanization change detection over MODIS data User Perspective Browse MODIS catalogue to select input images Request processing over an AOI Directly download output maps via FTP
MORE Maps Service Service Provider Connected services GEO-K (Rome, Italy) Connected services MEEO provides: MODIS Data Catalogue Image Pre Processing clipping, calibration and geo-location remapping GEO-K provides: MORE Maps service backend
MORE Maps Service Processes both terra and aqua datasets Processes both day and night acquisitions but only in pairs No mixed selection Radiometric calibration extent Outputs only +/- 40° from nadir line Commercial service Unrestricted access with payment confirmation
GEO K Moderate Resolution Change Maps Scope User interface Architectural model Lessons Learned
EOLI operations Direct connection with custom style sheet EOLI Search MODIS Data Catalogue service by MEEO EOLI Search Browse MODIS data by Time range, AOI, Platform and Day/Night flag EOLI Present Get Details about a search result Including Day/Night flag and online availability
EOLI Search
EOLI Present
SSE Operations SSE Order Order parameters AOI for image pre processing output format ENVI, GeoTIFF or JPEG Urbanization Change Map (and classification maps) Retrieve results directly from the service provider server over FTP
Order notes The AOI for image pre processing is optimized by the pre processing component Intersection of the datasets and AOI Result coverage area may be smaller than AOI if a dataset does not cover it entirely Calibration extent shall be taken into account when defining AOI +/- 40 degrees from nadir line Do not select AOI near dataset borders
SSE Order
Order results
GEO K Moderate Resolution Change Maps Scope User interface Architectural model Lessons Learned
Toolbox Payment confirmation Service context Chain step 3 – MORE Maps Processing User downloads results User accesses SSE pages Toolbox Payment confirmation Search and Present Forwarded to MEEO Catalogue Chain step 2 – Image Pre Processing Clipping - Calibration - Remapping Chain step 1 – MODIS Data Order
GEO K Moderate Resolution Change Maps Scope User interface Architecture Lessons learned
Service progress indicator Chained services Service progress indicator For chained services involving multiple steps Provide a call back operation on the client (SSE Portal) to update status percentage of completion / current step Enforce minimum items on basket Min Number Of Items template like for the maximum for upper limit
Order footprints
CONTACTS Via Saragat, 9 Tel: +39 0532 1861501 Fax: +39 0532 1861637 I-44122 Ferrara ITALY Tel: +39 0532 1861501 Fax: +39 0532 1861637 Skype-id: meeosnc 20