How to Give an Effective Presentation Enjoy it and Smile
Before the Presentation find out about your audience prepare your slides, your notes, carefully rehearse visit the seminar room to check: – your slides – lighting, projector, computer equipment, – make sure everyone can see (walk to back)
Visual Aids - Slides no more than 2 text lines per slide simple, clear diagrams label axes be consistent in colours and style check your spelling!!! text should be readable from a distance
Common Errors - Slides scanned images with unreadable axes no clear structure long sentences !!! Use keywords instead Add images too much information – more slides losing eye contact vague end
During the Presentation think about your audience have an eye contact be enthusiastic be in command, act like it, enjoy it! repetition doesn’t hurt - minisummaries
Don´t mumble talk to the screen obstruct the screen read your talk talk in a monotone be nervous
Do’s arrive on time plan ahead dress appropriately move around, but not too much
At the End make sure you end on time one minute per slide questions end with a bang