Purchasing Procedures Uintah School District
Purchasing Approval Any purchase committing district or school funds must have the approval of the administrator or director over the budget prior to making the purchase.
Vendor Selection When looking for supplies or equipment, always check for State Contracts first. The web address is http://purchasing.Utah.gov/ Click on “State Contracts” and then “Statewide Best-Value Cooperative Contracts”. You can search by keyword or vendor name. Example: car or Young Chevrolet Select “State of Utah Best Value Cooperative Contracts. Click “Search”.
Miscellaneous Voucher Purchases of $1,000 or less may utilize a miscellaneous voucher authorized by the administrator in emergency situations where a purchasing card is not accepted. An emergency situation is considered one that would affect the health or safety of an employee or student of the District.
Purchases less than $1,000 Check budget for money. Check for best price, including shipping. School or Program Secretary will originate a PO in Alio. Submit the PO to the vendor. Use of a purchasing card is allowable if total cost is within the card holder’s limits.
Purchases Between $1,000 and $4,999 Two verbal quotes are required if the goods or services are not available on State Contract. If available locally, one of the quotes must be from a local business. If not on State Contract, fill out a Uintah School District Telephone Quotation Sheet in it’s entirety. If on State Contract, simply complete the “Vendor Name” and “Contract Number” fields of the form. School or Program Secretary will Originate a PO in Alio. Submit the PO to the Vendor. Retain a copy of the PO with quotation sheet attached at the school/program location for audit purposes.
Purchases Between $5,000 and $49,999 Two written quotations are required if the goods or services are not available on State Contract. If available locally, one of the quotes must be from a local business. School or Program Secretary will originate a PO in Alio. If on State Contract enter the contract number in the appropriate field in Alio. If not on State Contract, submit the two written quotes to the Purchasing Office. Once approved, submit your PO to the vendor. Purchasing will retain the bid documents for audit purposes.
Purchases Over $50,000 Plan Ahead! Purchases over $50,000 require that a formal bid process be followed if the goods or services are not available on State Contract. This process will take well over a month to complete. Submit complete descriptions, specifications, and suggested vendors/contractors for the goods/services requested to the Purchasing Department, along with no less than two names of individuals to sit on a Bid Selection Committee. The Purchasing Department will issue a formal Invitation to Bid.
Purchases Over $50,000 Continued The Purchasing Department and Bid Selection Committee will publicly open and review the bids and submit their recommendation to the Board. Upon Board approval, the Purchasing Department will award the bid by issuing a PO and/or contract. All documentation will be retained by the Purchasing Department for audit purposes.
Sole Source Procurement Any request that the purchase of goods or services be limited to one vendor must be approved by the Business Administrator or his/her designee prior to the purchase regardless of cost. Fill out a Sole Source Request Form in its entirety and submit it to the Purchasing Department. Upon approval, the signed form will be returned to the school/program and a copy will also be filed in the Purchasing Department for audit purposes. Sole source purchase of $50,000 or more will be advertised per Utah State Purchasing Code.
Contractual Agreements Any contract committing district funds for one year or less must be approved by the Business Administrator. Submit a copy of the contract to the Business Administrator for approval and signature. The signed contract will be returned to the school/program who will then forward it to the vendor. Any contract committing district funds for more than one year must be approved by the Board of Education. The Business Administrator will review the contract before arrangements are made to take the proposal to the Board. Upon Board approval, the Business Administrator will then sign the contract.
Book Fairs and Fund Raisers If sales are expected to be $1,000 or more, a PO must be generated. No telephone or written quotes are required as long as all products are being resold. School or Program Secretary will originate a PO in Alio. Upon approval, submit the PO to the vendor.
Purchasing Card Training Uintah School District
How do I use my purchasing card? Each building/program administrator assigns cards, after approval from the Business Administrator, and only as needed at their location. A monthly and a singular limit are set for each card. Cards are the property of Uintah School District. Each location my have different procedures for credit cards. Check with your secretary on procedures unique to your location. Call the 800 number on the back of your card for answers to questions directly related to the card. Cardholder must immediately surrender card upon termination of employment.
Keeping Your Card Secure Each cardholder is responsible for the security of his/her card while it is in his/her possession. Never let someone else take your card and use it. You are the only person authorized to make purchases on your card. When possible scan your own card, don’t hand it to a store clerk. BEWARE of unscrupulous vendors.
Lost or Stolen Card Write down the 800 number on the back of your card and keep it in a separate place. Immediately call the number if your card is lost or stolen. Immediately call the 800 number to report any invalid charges on your monthly statement. Also, email the district’s credit card program administrator.
What can I purchase with my card? Good for small purchases up to your singular and monthly limits. Not intended to bypass or avoid purchasing procedures or policies. Good for “District-approved” purchases only. No personal charges. Not intended to replace current travel policy or procedures.
Examples of what your card can be used for: Subscriptions, seminars, books, postage, consumable office, classroom, and computer supplies, repairs, low dollar items.
Examples of what your card can NOT be used for: Any item or group of items exceeding your singular limit. Any item not budgeted for. Any item normally considered inappropriate use of District funds. Travel expenses such as meals or fuel. Equipment classified as a fixed asset. Personal purchases.
How do I use the card Notify the clerk PRIOR to ringing up items that you are tax exempt and that you will be using your school district credit card. When purchasing at Walmart they require that you present your school district ID, along with the Walmart Tax Exempt Card. Visit the Service Desk to make arrangements for a Walmart Tax Exempt Card. Staples has a tax exempt number on file for the school district. You may need to use it on occasion. It is #4140679566 Retain the detailed receipt of all purchases for reconciliation to statement. If you lose a receipt it is your responsibility to obtain a copy.
Activity that could result in the loss of your card Dividing a purchase – Example: You have a basket full of items totaling $200 but your single purchase limit is $100. You ask the clerk to run your card for $100 and then again for $100. Purchase of a fixed asset – Example: Your single purchase limit will allow you to purchase a much needed laptop computer. The PO process is required for all fixed asset purchases. Allowing someone else to use your card. The purchase of i-Tune cards: i-Tune cards may only be purchased through Kenny Mohar, not on a District Credit Card. The purchase of gift cards: Gift cards are not to be purchased with public funds without prior approval from the Business Administrator.
Where can I make purchases? Retail vendors Telephone Order Internet Order Fax Order
Billing Cycle and Statement The billing cycle date is the 27th of each month. Statements should arrive at your work location by the 5th of each month but only if you made purchases during the billing cycle. Logs are due to your school/program secretary 5 days after you receive your statement.
Suggestions for Paperwork Keep a file with the following: 800 # written on file All detailed receipts during billing cycle Blank transaction logs
Filling out the Log
Filling out the Log Cont. The log is a summary of your transactions during the billing cycle and must be completely filled out with accurate budget numbers and proper signatures. Logs are due 5 days after receipt of your statement. Never staple anything on top of the log. Receipts go behind the log and statement. Blank PC logs are available on the USD website.
What should be attached to the log? Log on top. Statement directly behind log. Detailed receipts behind statement (packing slips are not acceptable) In the order that they are listed on the log. Bidding documentation if applicable. Any charge exceeding $1000 requires (2) telephone quotes. A Telephone Quote Sheet must be completed in it’s entirety and attached to your log.
How to activate your card Sign the back “See ID”. Call the 800 # on the front to activate your card. Keep the card in a secure place at all times.
WHAT NOW! Sign the Agreement to Accept Form. If you have questions or problems please email or call the program administrator - Cathy Bilbey. Email: cathy.Bilbey@Uintah.net Phone: Ext. 1022