And its impact on Western Europe And Future Western democracies The Magna Carta And its impact on Western Europe And Future Western democracies
Causes of the Magna Carta Barons rebelled against King John (one of the worst English kings in history) King John tortured prisoners to death, arrested without cause, denied people fair trial, imposed heavy taxes, and took away property and land to enrich himself. This led the Barons to form a rebel army and overthrow King John. Once they captured London they forced him to sign the Great Charter. It made England no longer an Absolutist nation, meaning that the ruler was no longer above the law.
Church Reaction Pope Innocent II disliked the Great Charter because it weakened the institution of rulers chosen by God including the king AND the pope. If the king lost his power and influence then so did the pope. Pope Innocent asserted that King John had the Divine Right of Kings which means that no law written by man can apply to him. The Divine Right of Kings states that all kings are chosen by God and are ordained to rule and had no conditional punishment like the Mandate of Heaven in China.
Clauses of the Magna Carta Some of the most influential clauses of the Magna Carta are still used today in democracies all around the world, most notably in the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
"No city or township shall be stripped of its right to a mayoral election and its right to participate in trade within the region." Meant that towns could govern themselves. Couldn't be punished by the king directly. Established Bureaucracy like in China, meaning layers of government to protect the people.
"No free man shall be seized or imprisoned or stripped of his rights or possessions without a valid and substantiative allegation" Meant that the king could no longer take people's land or property without a good reason. Kept the king from taxing without approval of Parliament. Similar to the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution guaranteeing no unlawful or unreasonable searches or seizures.
"To no free man will we sell, deny, or delay inalienable rights." The king could no longer blackmail or bribe nobles with payments to guarantee their rights. No man could be stripped of his rights by any authority. “Rights are not a gift of the government and cannot be taken away by the government.” You are born with your rights as a Human being.
"Kings, Barons, and Landowners will all thus be subject to the same law that governs the people of the land and shall No longer levie unreasonable taxes on any individual man." Kings and rulers must now obey the law. NO ONE is above the law of the land. No one has the right to put unreasonable taxes on people. Similar to the Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution which allowed government to levy taxes but kept them fair based on the individual's income.
Historical Precedent Introduced the concept of Due Process which is a right to a fair trial with an impartial (mostly unbiased) jury of peers. Government must go through a series of steps before taking away a person’s rights (life, liberty, possessions). Introduced the concept of Habeas Corpus "BRING THE BODY" which means that in order for a person to be detained they must be brought to court and shown the evidence that was used to imprison them.
Overview Gave more power to the people, took power away from kings and rulers. Opposed the divine right of kings. First steps towards democracy, deposed absolutist rulers. Clauses from the great charter are still used in major revolutionary documents to this day, most notably the U.S. Constitution. Some of the clauses include; No unfair taxation Right to representation Right to a fair trial No unlawful seizure of personal property Rights are inalienable and cannot be taken away by the government.