UDI - Plan for Growth Forum May 3, 2018 OurWinnipeg Review UDI - Plan for Growth Forum May 3, 2018
OurWinnipeg OurWinnipeg is Winnipeg’s Development Plan, that establishes a vision and policies intended to direct the physical, social, environmental and economic development of our city today and as envisioned in the future. Supported by Complete Communities, which guides how Winnipeg can accommodate best accommodate growth and change over the next 25 years.
OurWinnipeg Review
OurWinnipeg Review Opportunities Improve policy language to provide a greater degree of clarity and certainty for all stakeholders. Embed an evidence-based framework for how the City will accommodate growth over the next 20 years. Provide a more robust and meaningful implementation framework.
Opportunities for Collaboration OurWinnipeg Review - information exchanges and topic based discussions. Continued Collaboration with UDI on residential land monitoring efforts. OurWinnipeg Residential Framework for Growth.