I. Where did communist revolutions happen? Russia becomes the USSR (1917-1990) Eastern Europe (1945-1990) Cuba (1959-now) China, but they have special economic zones, (1949-now) North Korea (1953-now) Vietnam (1973-now) Laos (1975-now)
II. dialectical materialism For all of human history, the rich and poor have been fighting. The proletariat (working class) is struggling with the bourgeoisie (the property owners / the middle class).
III. A new society No private property No inherited property
The state (the government) owns banks factories and other means of production Transportation (subways are more valued than cars) communication (telephone, television, internet and mail) farms
IV. Jobs → Many people become farmers or factory workers Bourgeois people are punished Proletarian people are promoted to important jobs. Things assigned to you by the state jobs → Many people become farmers or factory workers housing
V. Farming Collective farms All farming is done by collective farms Not all the new farmers know how to farm
VI. Consumer goods Everything is made by the state The state is not as efficient as the market, so there are often shortages.
VII. A violent revolution This new society will be created by a violent revolution Marx writes, “Workers of the World! Unite!”