Warm Up: Analyzing Diction Why does the author use the word “touched” (page 6) when referring to the war, as opposed to using such words as “affected” or “involved”? What are some other words in the chapter that you think show how Beah was changed after the war?
Writer’s Notebook Reflection In your writer’s notebook, answer the following question. Beah moves around in time as he tells his story, flashing forward and backward. What is the effect of this technique? Do you appreciate it, or would you prefer that he stuck to strict chronology? Why or why not?
Discuss in your groups The person with the shortest hair goes first, share your reflection with your groups. You each have 30 seconds. Be prepared to share with the whole class.
Chapter 3: Discussion Question Why did the rebels attack the towns so fiercely? What was their goal? Does it make sense to you? The person with the longest hair goes first, share your reflection with your groups. You each have 30 seconds. Be prepared to share with the whole class.
Chapter 4: Discussion Question For what reason do Ishmael and his companions risk sneaking back into Mattrru Jong? Were their efforts worth the risk? The person with the longest hair goes first, share your reflection with your groups. You each have 30 seconds. Be prepared to share with the whole class.
Chapter 5: Writer’s Notebook Reflection In chapters 4 & 5, and the next, the boys steal food because they are starving. We usually consider this “acceptable” theft, but the boys stole from other people who didn’t have much food either. How do you judge what they did? Give reasons and examples for your opinion.