Days-of-the-Week Language Study D.O.T.W.L.S. “Happy Days”
D.O.T.W.L.S. Schedule Meaning Monday: Twist It Tuesday: -Interpret, explain purpose, theme, inferences, etc. Twist It Tuesday: -Rewrite, imitating structure, grammar, etc. Why It Works Wednesday: -Analyze structure, punctuation, word choice, devices, etc. Think about It Thursday: -Evaluate, respond, agree/disagree, connect, etc. Free-write Friday: -Write at least half a page about a meaningful topic of your choice
-Interpret, explain purpose, theme, inferences, etc. Quotation Meaning Monday: -Interpret, explain purpose, theme, inferences, etc. "If you don't fix latent failures in your system, you're asking for trouble." -John Gould, the father of bird study in Australia who helped inspire Charles Darwin's theory of evolution D.O.T.W.L.S
Twist It Tuesday -Rewrite, imitating structure, grammar, etc. "If you don't fix latent failures in your system, you're asking for trouble." -John Gould, the father of bird study in Australia who helped inspire Charles Darwin's theory of evolution D.O.T.W.L.S
Why It Works Wednesday Analyze structure, punctuation, word choice, devices, etc. "If you don't fix latent failures in your system, you're asking for trouble." -John Gould, the father of bird study in Australia who helped inspire Charles Darwin's theory of evolution D.O.T.W.L.S
Think about It Thursday Evaluate, respond, agree/disagree, connect, etc. "If you don't fix latent failures in your system, you're asking for trouble." -John Gould, the father of bird study in Australia who helped inspire Charles Darwin's theory of evolution D.O.T.W.L.S
Free-write Friday D.O.T.W.L.S “Friday,” Rebecca Black “Friday I’m in Love,” The Cure D.O.T.W.L.S