A financial life skills resource Overheads for In-Class Presentations
Module 3 Welcome to the City
18-year-old university student, part-time server in The Hub Luna 18-year-old university student, part-time server in The Hub
18-year-old technology apprentice in full-time work/study program Nikos 18-year-old technology apprentice in full-time work/study program
20-year-old athlete, working full-time at The Hub Rio 20-year-old athlete, working full-time at The Hub
20-year-old culinary school graduate with two part-time jobs Sienna 20-year-old culinary school graduate with two part-time jobs
25-year-old university graduate with salaried management job Indigo 25-year-old university graduate with salaried management job
25-year-old college graduate with a spouse and one child Liam 25-year-old college graduate with a spouse and one child
45-year-old marketing consultant, divorced with children Zack 45-year-old marketing consultant, divorced with children
45-year-old small business owner, divorced with children Gaia 45-year-old small business owner, divorced with children
Income, Expenses and Budgets Module 5 Income, Expenses and Budgets
Module 6 Savings and Banking
Module 8 Insurance
Module 9 Investing
Financial Plan for Transition from Secondary School Module 10 Financial Plan for Transition from Secondary School