UMBC PeopleSoft 9.2-based P-card Transaction Log Management Advisory Services
Agenda Introduction Exemption request (Section 12.02) Transaction Log Navigation Questions SQ
UMBC Exemption Request (Section 12.02) Section 12.20 of the GAD P-card User’s Manual provides that every transaction must be recorded monthly on a Cardholder Activity Log. UMBC requested that cardholders be permitted to use monthly P-card activity reports from PeopleSoft in lieu of a separate paper log. PS-based log satisfies GAD requirements for a transaction log. Request based on electronic log implementation at other USM institution (Towson, CP) GAD stands for Maryland General Accounting Division.
PS 8.9
PS 9.2-NEW Employee ID/Name search function for those that serve as proxies for multiple card holders. FY’s and Accounting Periods are pre-populated. Accounting periods follow US Bank transaction periods.
P-card Reallocation Screen Descriptions do not go here! Description field is 60 characters max.
Create a new control ID.
Select a Run Control ID or Add A New Value What is a Run Control ID? When running a report, you must enter the parameters from which the report will be run, and eventually display data for you to view. To aid in running reports, PeopleSoft created a means to allow the user to save search parameters so he/she does not have to perform the same steps each time the same report is requested. Run Control ID's are how PeopleSoft identifies saved search parameters for reports.
1. Choose P-card report type – Cardholder Transaction LOG 2.Choose current period or choose FY and Accounting Period
Run report Go to process monitor
Editable colums: Description, Fund, Program, Dept, Account, Project, Activity
Closing Notes All cardholders now have access. Descriptions MUST be added before accounting period closes (usually 20th of following month.) MAS advises updating descriptions/chart-strings as transactions post. PS Reallocation report NOT REQUIRED if using online log. PS-based log is voluntary at this time. Contact MAS with questions- x56257 MAS advises entering purchase description as you go.