Speech delivery
Problems in delivery
Methods of Delivery Reading from a Manuscript Reciting from Memory Speaking impromptu Speaking Extemporaneously
The speaker’s voice Volume Pitch Rate Pauses Vocal variety Pronunciation Articulation
ladies and gentlemen, good morning ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Today I’d like to share some of my thoughts on the topic of “Diversity and Unity”. First of all, let me ask you one question—how many of you want to be yourself? Please raise your hand. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Actually, ever since I began to learn how to make public speeches, I wanted to be anybody else except to be myself.
I felt so confused and so frustrated that I went to my teacher to ask him what I was supposed to do. He told me, “To be the others is to commit suicide. You can learn from anybody else, but remember you must learn to be yourself. You are your speech.” His words changed my life forever. I made up my mind to be the best of myself, to speak from my heart and to have my own unique style.
Ladies and gentlemen, diversity is power, because it takes all kinds of trees and flowers to make the most beautiful spring and forest, and it takes all kinds of people, cultures and countries to make a such diverse, dynamic and colorful world. Ladies and gentlemen, but what is the best way to maintain our diversity with the development of globalization? In my opinion, the best way is to learn from each other in the harmonious unity because no country is one independent island. Diversity cannot be kept by isolation. For example, when the traditional Chinese medicine is combined with the western medicine, it can solve many medical problems that each alone cannot possibly do.
Ladies and gentlemen, united, we stand; diversified, we develop and prosper. Just like the two wings of one bird, only if diversity and unity go hand in hand can we fly together in the paradise of harmony and beauty. Thank you very much!
Articulation practice (tongue twister) She sells seashells on the seashore. The sixth sick sheik’s sheep is sick. Fetch me the finest French-fried freshest fish that Finney fries. When one big black bug bit the other big black bug, the other big black bug bit back.
Body language Personal Appearance Eye contact Gestures Movement
Practicing Delivery -5 steps 1. read aloud the script/ outline 2. prepare an outline for delivery carefully 3. extemporaneous practice 4. recording; mirror; audience rehearsal 5. dressed rehearsal with audience
Homework Send your speech draft (introductory) to 7301558@qq.com 2 days before next class. You should attach an WORD file to your email, with the title XXX first speech.doc(x)