National Pipeline Safety Conference James Davenport, Program Manager Pipeline Safety Trust National Pipeline Safety Conference New Orleans, LA An Overview of the Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance (PIPA) Report November 4, 2010 James Davenport, Program Manager NACo
Why local government should care? Pipeline and Informed Pipeline Alliance (PIPA) Report
What is NACo Established in 1935 and serves 3068 Counties American County Platform is established through 11 Steering Committees 23 Affiliate Organizations
Technical Assistance at NACo Provides information, training and assistance to counties Workshops, peer-to-peer networking opportunities, publications, special reports and toolkits, etc.
Agreement Between PHMSA and NACo To help build county officials’ awareness and capacity to improve transmission pipeline, especially through local land use practices, and pipeline safety. ID elected county officials, key county professional staff including planners, to participate in (PIPA) Provide national outreach and education to county officials about PIPA recommendations Produce a county best practices guide or fact sheet Workshops
NACo Support PIPA Counties Responsibility Partnerships Local Input Land Use Planning and Growth Management Environmental Laws Federal Requirements and Local Land Use Authority
Upcoming Forums “Planning for Pipeline Placement and Safety – New Guidance to Help Communities Assess Risks and Benefits” Co-Sponsored by the County Planning Division and National Association of County Planners APA Conference in Boston, MA (April 9- April 12, 2011). NACo Annual Conference in Portland OR (July 15 – July 19, 2011).
National Association of Counties James Davenport Program Manager National Association of Counties 202-661-8807