Sample Results from a Town Centre Park © Copyright 2013 Linetop Ltd
The outdoors counters are ‘pyro’ body heat sensors in locked metal pillars or boxes on walls and powered by Duracell-type AA cells
Other low-count days are Sundays and Holidays TOWN CENTRE PARK NOV-DEC 2012 Park closed to public while clearing snow/ice on paths Counter list Other low-count days are Sundays and Holidays
Air temperature hourly 7-14 Dec 2012 Visitor numbers return to normal despite the continuing cold snap Weather dry Visitor numbers lower due to a very rainy day Park closed to public for snow and ice clearing Sundays are always quiet
Body heat sensors will work at all temperatures Temperature +8C Temperature -3C Park closed to public for snow clearing Body heat sensors will work at all temperatures
Fully fenced site – gates locked at night
Park activity follows shopping/business activity
Park activity before, during and after refurbishment Park fully closed including public toilets – this caused an outcry Start of refurb Bus Station access to the public toilets is restored, plus building contractors using the main gate Park re-opens to public Counters added for new access points to park, and in a new building Park activity before, during and after refurbishment Rebuild of toilets block
Park activity quarterly through refurbishment 2012 usage is 50% up on 2009, following the HLF Lottery-funded park refurbishment programme Park activity quarterly through refurbishment
FOR MORE INFORMATION Linetop Ltd 16 Roseheyworth Business Park Abertillery Blaenau Gwent NP13 1SP tel 01495 321569