Techniques To Get You That JOB INTERVIEWING Techniques To Get You That JOB Very important, Will be interviewing with business professionals on Friday and they will be evaluating you! This is to help you be prepared and know what to expect.
WHAT IS AN INTERVIEW? An interview is your chance to… sell yourself and decide if the job meets your work needs and interests. An interview is an employer’s chance to see if you are a “good match” for the position. Tell employer how great you are!! It is OK to be picky, ask your self do you really want to work at this company Employers want to see if you would work well with their staff and in their office.
INTERVIEW PREPARATION Be Prepared! Be knowledgeable about company, it takes about 5 minutes. Use the Internet!! Always ask them questions, it makes you look interested and knowledgeable. Even if they have a copy, bring an extra copy. Pen/Pencils Research the company. Have a few questions ready. Bring a copy of your resume and references.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS Make it great! Dress appropriately. Clean & neat appearance. Firm handshake. Positive facial expressions. Proper body language. Use clear voice tone. Make eye contact. How to make it great? Nice clothes, Boys: nice ironed pants—ironed shirt,tie. Girls: Dresses, pants, skirts not to short. Be clean Firm Grip Smile Sit up straight-Sit forward, signs of good listening Not to monotone, person can hear you. Look at the person directly
BODY LANGUAGE Smiling Head nodding Direct eye contact Walk briskly Sit & stand tall Firm handshake Implies that you are listening well and that you really care about what the person is saying.
WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE Rate of speech Loudness Pitch Articulation Actions can be louder than words Walk through how to speech. Remember to speak clearly and slowly.
USE OF POWERFUL LANGUAGE Be direct & assertive Be conversational Be brief & to the point Prevent interruptions Take turns talking Sound like you know what you are talking about! Conversational interviews are always the best!! Not just Q & A, more interactive—
THE INTERVIEW How it all Works!
INITIAL SCREENING Determines Eligibility Determines Real Interest Resume And Cover Letter Assist In Obtaining a Screening Interview Conducted by Personnel Interviewer who Usually Talks with Many Applicants Similar to the interview process on Friday! Want to know if you have all the qualifications. Want to stick out in a crowd so they pick you!! You are willing to learn. Job vs. Career Resume and Cover could make or break you Could be done over the phone or in person!
CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS Determine Specific Capabilities Assess Ability & Fit Interviewed by Person of Authority Usually More than One Round Actual interview Can you do the job that is being asked of you. Are you a good match for the company will you work with the other employees well. Are you willing to work. HR manager/Manager Interviewing process—Not come in and you are hired.
THE OPENING Establishes Rapport Opens Communications Sets Tone Walk through slide! Establishes Rapport Opens Communications Sets Tone
INFORMATION EXCHANGE Direct Questioning Open-Ended Questions Emphasize Your Strong Points Shares Company Information Opportunity to Ask Your Questions Talking through the interview What are your strengths/weaknesses? Asking you questions. Answers will very likely be open ended, not just Yes or No! They want you to talk. Remember to be brief and to the point. Always remind them how great you are!! They will tell you how great they are!! ASK questions, look intelligent.
SUMMING UP Explains Next Step OR Ask Ask If Interviewer Has Everything Needed to Make a Decision Be Positive About Interest in Job End of interview. Will tell you how the process works, if not ask. Double check to make sure that the interviewer has everything. Remain Positive
FOLLOW UP WITH THANK YOU LETTER Thank Them For Their Time Extend Courtesy Show Continued Interest Remind Them of Special Qualifications Provide Information They Requested Quick shot of a Thank you letter Real life, ask a teacher for help. Plenty of books. Time and Courtesy—look forward to… Remind them of something.