Families What are families like today, do you think the Roman family would have been the same?
The Roman Family The average Roman family was more than just a mum, a dad and their children, it was a household with many roles The oldest male was PATERFAMILIAS There were set ideas of who was in charge and what each member did Children were usually married by the age of 16
Pater Father Mater Mother Puer Boy Puella Girl Coquus Cook Servus Slave Magister Teacher Canis Dog Equus Horse
What do Romans wear? Pater et puer
What do Romans wear? Mater et puella
What do Romans wear? Servus et Coquus
Roman familia in the city and country
Who is in this family..? Mater Pater Filius Filia Filia
Pater is called Aemilia Can you remember..? Pater is called Aemilia FALSE
Iulius has 2 filiae FALSE
Marcus is the filius of Aemilia TRUE
Iulia has 2 fratres TRUE
Aemilia has 1 filii FALSE
What is an Adjective? Adjectives are describing words Can you think of any examples ? Red Happy playful Yellow Sad Clever
Adjectives in Latin Adjectives take the same ending as the Noun they are describing. The slave is clever Servus est doctus The girl is clever Puella est docta
The mouse is white. Mus est albus My father is great. Pater est magnus
I am, you are... I am- sum You are- es He/she/it is- est Sum fessus- I am tired Est laetus- He is happy