Front Matter (prefaces report) Transmittal Document Title Page Abstract Table of Contents List of Illustrations Glossary
Transmittal Document (1 page) Letter, memo, or e-mail that accompanies report Brief summary of report context and contents Thanks reader for cooperation/interest Builds positive relationship with reader Uses standard forms See p. 207
Title Page (1 page) Title of report Name and title of writer Name and title of reader Name of company or organization Date of submission Centered on page See p. 208
Examples NOT: Wayfinding (Where? What about it?) NOT: Wayfinding at IVCC (What about it?) NOT: No Way! Poor Wayfinding at IVCC (Only focused on problem; informal, negative tone may turn off readers) GOOD: Wayfinding and Signage Enhancements at Illinois Valley Community College (straightforward and informative, focused on solution) GOOD: Enhancing Student and Visitor Experiences at IVCC through Improved Wayfinding and Signage (straightforward, informative, focused on solution and benefits)
ABSTRACT Formatted as one paragraph ii ABSTRACT Formatted as one paragraph Summary of report’s contents and recommendations Designed to stand alone Abstract as title See p. 209
TABLE OF CONTENTS Likely one page iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Likely one page List of all headings exactly as they appear in report and page number that heading appears on (in other words, the starting page number for that section). Lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.) for front matter, beginning with list of illustrations Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) for rest of report Table of Contents or Contents as title See p. 210
Types 1. INTRODUCTION 2. KINDS OF TESTING 2.1. Pre-Employment Traditional—headings, page numbers Decimal—numbered headings (whole numbers and decimals), page numbers 1. INTRODUCTION 2. KINDS OF TESTING 2.1. Pre-Employment 2.2. Routine 2.3. Reasonable Suspicion/Post-Accident
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Likely one page iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Likely one page Lists exact titles of visuals and corresponding page numbers in report Tables and Figures (all other visuals) numbered separately Figure 1: Example of “Your Are Here” Kiosk Table 1: IVCC Programs and Roles in Wayfinding Project See p. 211
GLOSSARY Likely one page v GLOSSARY Likely one page Defines all potentially unfamiliar words, expressions, or symbols Need determined by audience Alphabetizes terms Lists symbols in order of appearance See p. 212
Back Matter—after text of report Appendixes Bibliography
Appendixes Supplementary material, such as interview questions, survey questions, additional figures and tables, copies of relevant sources, other relevant documents (anything that you want the reader to have access to but that doesn’t fit directly into your report) Each appendix a separate page or pages Include the title listed on Table of Contents
APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR SCOTT JACKSON 5 APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR SCOTT JACKSON How successful has the career development program been in the retail division? Etc.
Bibliography Likely one page List of sources Title/format depend on specific documentation style APA (American Psychological Association) REFERENCES MLA (Modern Language Association) WORKS CITED