The Portrait of Dorian Gray


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Presentation transcript:

The Portrait of Dorian Gray NO SPOILERS IF YOU KNOW THE STORY!

Daily Journal Daily Journal 12 Sept 2016

Dorian Gray has chosen to stay young and beautiful forever Dorian Gray has chosen to stay young and beautiful forever. What do you think of this? Many people talk about the importance of “inner” beauty versus “outer” beauty. How do you think this relates to the tale of Dorian Gray?

Homework Please share your homework with your team. You can say exactly what you wrote or tell your team your thoughts in different words.

Literature Circle Groups: 1) Summarizer – Summarize what you read for today. Consider the following questions: What has happened? Who are the characters? Is there a clear protagonist or antagonist? 2) Word Master – what words or expressions did you find interesting or important? 3) Connector – what does the reading remind you of in another book/movie/your own life? 4) Discussion Director – stay on task, ask questions, ask opinions, etc.

Discussion What do you think of the beginning of the film? Do you think it adds or removes suspense when major scenes are shown early in films? Why?

Discussion on Film Version Discuss Basil’s feeling about Dorian in this scene. Why does he appear angry and judgmental of Dorian? Later, consider the camera angle when Basil sees the portrait for the first time. What is the effect of this camera angle on the audience? How does Dorian appear to feel during and after Basil’s murder?

In this scene Dorian attempts to destroy the painting In this scene Dorian attempts to destroy the painting. What is the director portraying?

Describe the relationship developments between Dorian and Harry as portrayed in this scene.

Discuss the final scenes of the movie. How is it different? Why?

Basic Plot Structure Climax Rising Action Conflict Resolution – see a change in characters. Exposition Conflict

Map the events in Dorian Gray Book Version Film version