Flowers from Bulbous Species Chapter 26 Flowers from Bulbous Species
Bulbs for Forcing Ordering bulbs Precooled vs. standard forcing placing the order Precooled vs. standard forcing General information containers media 2
Bulbs for Forcing Bulb storage areas Need for cold period cold frames bulb storage cellar-rooting room Need for cold period 3
Anemones Propagation Media and fertilizers Light and temperature Trimming leaves Harvesting the crop 4
Anemones Harvesting the crop Problems cultural disorders diseases insects 5
Calla (Calla Lily) Propagation Media and fertilizers Light and temperature Water Marketing Problems diseases insects 6
Freesia Propagation Problems 7
Gladiolus Propagation and growth Soils and fertilization Planting Irrigation 8
Gladiolus Cutting for market Handling corms Problems cultural disorders diseases insects 9
Crocus Propagation Problems 10
Hyacinth Propagation Growth retardants and height control Problems 11
Iris Propagation Problems cultural disorders diseases insects 12
Lily Cultivars Field production propagation harvesting grading packing 13
Lily Greenhouse forcing precooling rooting room method cold frame treatment (CFT) controlled-temperature forcing 14
Lily Timing and flower bud formation Potting bulb size medium fertilization watering 15
Lily Light, temperature, and height control light intensity 16
Lily Scheduling planting to shoot emergence emergence to flower bud initiation flower bud initiation to visible bud visible bud to open flower 17
Lily Scheduling leaf counting 18
Lily Storing plants Growth retardants and height control drench treatment spray treatment 19
Lily Problems cultural disorders diseases insects 20
Narcissus (Daffodils) Cut daffodils precooled bulbs harvesting for market suitable cultivars Pot daffodils cultivars stage of marketing growth retardants and height control 21
Narcissus (Daffodils) Problems diseases 22
Tulips Flower formation Precooling Cut flowers cultivars media and fertilization greenhouse forcing harvesting for market cultivars 23
Tulips Tulips precooled at 41°F Pot-grown tulips preplanting treatments greenhouse forcing harvesting for market Pot-grown tulips media and planting greenhouse forcing and fertilization growth retardants 24
Tulips Problems cultural disorders diseases insects rodents 25