Nat. Rev. Neurol. doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2015.172 Figure 1 Overview of primary and secondary monoamine neurotransmitter disorders Figure 1 | Overview of primary and secondary monoamine neurotransmitter disorders. Primary disorders of dopamine and serotonin metabolism are attributable to enzyme or cofactor deficiencies, defective neurotransmitter transport and/or reuptake or defective vesicle formation and/or packaging. Neurotransmitter abnormalities are becoming increasingly recognized as secondary phenomena that result from other neurological disorders. Abbreviations: BH4, tetrahydrobiopterin; DAT, dopamine transporter; GTP-CH 1, GTP cyclohydrolase 1; PITX3, pituitary homeobox 3; PTPS, 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin; VMAT2, vesicular monoamine transporter 2. Ng, J. et al. (2015) Monoamine neurotransmitter disorders—clinical advances and future perspectives Nat. Rev. Neurol. doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2015.172