Highlands Primary School Welcome Club Isobel Madhani
Welcome Club: why Spring term 2016. Small group of children struggling to settle despite good systems and high quality teaching already in place. KS2 children (9 children from Y4/5&6; 5 target children and 4 ‘role models’. Pressure of SATs Y6 (started small until SATs were over).
Presenting concerns Poor attendance Difficulties separating from carers Limited parental involvement Behaviour difficulties e.g. anger management, self harming, attention needing Anxiety Low Self Esteem
Underlying problems Attachment issues (children separated from parents during move to UK) No prior schooling / disjointed education Children attending more than one primary school in the same family Difficult journey to school Temporary housing / lack of stability Cramped / unsuitable accommodation Prejudices Lack of understanding of the education system Parent difficulties with literacy / access to internet / benefit system
Safe settled and valued: Already in place at Highlands PS; Induction policy including welcome interview, buddy system and follow up review Nurturing classrooms Provision mapped intervention Passport Differentiated parent/carer meetings Transition systems including transfer form, visits, transition groups and transfer of records.
Partnership with parents/carers Shared goals and priorities. Extended time for consultations. Structured conversations Identifying and removing barriers. Use of translators Informal opportunities Regular contact
Welcome club: what we did Practical activities that were accessible and levelling e.g. cooking, games of chance Trips to local amenities Oyster / library card applications Fund raising letters and bake off Supporting transition (to new class and Secondary)
Impact Fun Group identity Friendships Improved attendance Improved relationship with parents (mostly through the informal regular contact letters) Support network in the playground Parent support network
Pupil voice
Learning Reviewed and made changes to intake forms Revised prompts for safe settled and valued Valued interview with parents/carers. Developed learning profile to support transition to secondary school and for transition to new class.