Chapter 11—Section 4 and 5 Review Section Four-Making the Peace Woodrow Wilson
The Peace US Woodrow Wilson had his 14 points- “Peace without victory”, “Self-determination”, “League of Nations” France Clemancu wanted to weaken Germany Britain Lloyd George wanted reparations Treaty of Versailles- a treaty that punishes Germany, huge reparations/ blame
The Big Four
Section 5: Russian Revolution & Civil War Tsar Nicholas II- incompetent commander and mismanager, leads Russia into WWI but they suffer huge losses, food shortages at home Bread riots lead to the Febuary/March revolution Allies were happy Tsar was overthrown thinking that they would get a more democratic ally, BUT… …Lenin/ Trotsky organize Bolsheviks, a radical socialist party
Russian Rev. cont. Bolsheviks take over the empire in the October/November Revolution Communist party i.e. Bolsheviks are the ones in power not the people Soviets- local elected council become restricted to only Bolshevik party members
Russian Rev. Continued Civil War breaks out in Russia Counter Revolutionaries “White Army” vs. the Communists/Bolsheviks “Red Army” Red Army Wins Lenin allows some capitalism Stalin takes power pledging to return to pure communism