Task Force Household Budget Survey Innovative tools and sources Service Catalogue Luxembourg, 12-13 December 2017 12/12/2017 – Pierre Peyronnel European Commission, DG Eurostat the statistical office of the European Union Unit B3 – IT solutions for statistical production
History CSPA 5 layers catalogue from the CSPA project A need identified during the project phase of the CSPA standard to easily find software tools (services) developed for business needs in the production of statistics and thus promotes reusability of tools. CSPA 5 layers catalogue from the CSPA project Service Catalogue is only 1 layer Version 1 : pilot catalogue was a Wiki page in the CSPA project wiki
Objectives The CSPA service catalogue contains a number of shareable (statistical) services. Offers to statistical organisations worldwide an easy access to solutions that have been developed following the CSPA standard. For managing the content and lifecycle of the service catalogue a governance model has been set up under responsibility of the UNECE.
Version 3 Uses Liferay for content management Integrating a BPM workflow for assessment and lifecycle of services One single system for public and private (editable) sections of the catalogue
Example of catalogue use View a Service Create a new Service Edit a Service Specification Add a Service Implementation to an existing service
View a Service (1/2) Viewing links Table listing Notification area
View a Service (2/2)
Create a new Service (1/3) Table listing Notification area
Create a new Service (2/3)
Create a new Service (3/3)
Edit a Service Specification (1/3) View Table listing Notification area
Edit a Service Specification (2/3)
Edit a Service Specification (3/3)
Add a Service Implementation (1/3) View Table listing Notification area
Add a Service Implementation (2/3)
Add a Service Implementation (3/3)
Features Criteria filtering Visualisation of services by GSBPM layer one (validated/Submitted/Draft) Word cloud search H1 2018 : assessment workflow, notifications, linked forum sections ? http://ec2-34-240-165-135.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com
Thank you for your attention ! Questions ? ESTAT ESS SERV ESTAT-ESS-SERV@ec.europa.eu