Developing a Research-Led Practice: A case study examining the information needs and behaviours of first year undergraduates at the University for the Creative Arts. For the completion of my masters degree in Library and Information Management I am engaged in a research project that will look to identify the info needs and behaviours of first year fine art undergraduates.
Writing on the topic of design pedagogy, John Wood identifies a division between research and studio, describing the former as ‘stemming from the cloistered scriptoria of the monasteries’ and the latter as ‘evolved from the medieval craft guilds.’ Wood, John. (2000) ‘The Culture of Academic Rigour: Does Design Research Really Need It?’, The Design Journal, Vol.3, No.1, pp.180 - 197 The Information Service at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) seeks to address the division between studio and research and promotes the library space as an extension of the studio environment. Correspondingly, the Fine Art undergraduate course situated at the Canterbury campus encourages students to develop a research-led creative practice by running concurrent studio and theory units. The relationship between studio and research is an area of interest and expected to be part of an ongoing debate.
Research Purpose & Objectives The purpose of this study is to identify the information needs and behaviors of first year fine art undergraduates to increase understanding of the development of a research-led practice, therefore assisting the information service in achieving its strategic objective to ‘create services and resources which are inclusive and anticipate the needs of our user-communities’ (UCA, 2015). The first objective of this study is to explore the interactive relationship between the Research and Studio units. In particular, how students search, evaluate and synthesize information to fulfil perceived needs and meet the learning objectives. Secondly, the study intends to identify a shared repertoire of behaviours and summarise findings that also acknowledge idiosyncrasies within the research population.
Data Collection This case study can be described as instrumental as it aims to understand in detail the behaviours of a specific group; a particular phenomenon. A mixed methodology using both quantitative and qualitative data will allow for a rich description. Data collection techniques will include usage statistics, analysis of bibliographies, a survey instrument and interviews.
‘Paintings are but research and experiment ‘Paintings are but research and experiment. I never do a painting as a work of art. All of them are researches.’ Pablo Picasso Fine Art undergraduate students are required to develop an ability to demonstrate both theoretical and practical aptitudes in combination during their first year. The Library can help students succeed through the provision of resources, advice and academic literacy guidance. Greater understanding of information behaviours can enrich provision by informing outreach both in the physical environment and online.