Final Review CSE421 B.Ramamurthy 2/19/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Place and Time Date : May 2, 2003, Friday Time : 11.45 – 2.45pm Place : 114 Hochstetter Please bring calculators 2 A4-size sheets of any information you may need. Pencils, pens and erasers. 2/19/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Topics Deadlock (Chapter 3) Memory management (Chapter 4) Disk IO (Chapter 5) File Systems (Chapter 6) Security and Protection (including public key encryption) (Chapter 9) Multiprocessors and distributed systems (Chapter 8) All the lecture notes Nachos system including Project 2 and project 3 2/19/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Specific Sections Deadlock avoidance (3.1 – 3.5 ) Virtual memory (4.1 – 4.7) Disk Scheduling (5.4), RAID File management (6.1 – 6.3) Unix File Management (inode) Distributed Systems (8.3) including TCP/IP networking Security (9.6 ) Public key encryption (notes/slides) Nachos 2/19/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Questions 9 questions, one each from the topics mentioned above. 10-20 points each Major questions: deadlock, inode, disk scheduling, virtual memory, nachos Minor questions: distributed systems, security, networking, memory management 2/19/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Miscellaneous I will be available most days (April 29 – May 1) in the morning from 10 am –12 noon for any help. If you need other times please send me mail. On the exam day make sure you are there at the location on time. 2/19/2019 B.Ramamurthy