The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly 2016 Advanced English The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly MAL=bad BEN/BON=good
Beneficial producing results that are good for health and happiness adjective producing results that are good for health and happiness
Benign adjective harmless not cancerous
Benefactor Noun one who helps another especially by giving money
Benediction Noun an expression of good wishes; a blessing
Bonanza Noun a source of great & sudden wealth or luck
Bonus noun Something given or paid over or beyond what is expected or owed
Benevolent adjective having a desire to do good; kindly, charitable Noun=benevolence
Beneficiary Noun a person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages
Malicious adjective doing mean things on purpose
Malevolent wishing evil or harm to another or others; malicious adjective wishing evil or harm to another or others; malicious
Malignant Adjective tending or likely to produce death
Malice noun the intention of doing harm for the satisfaction of doing it Noun form of “malicious”
Malnutrition Noun Lack of proper nutrition Adjective: malnourished
Malodorous Adjective Having a bad smell
Malady noun A disease or disorder of the body
Malaria Noun A disease caused by parasites in the red blood cells and spread by mosquitoes.