e-Thesis Submission: What You Need to Know About Going Global


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Presentation transcript:

e-Thesis Submission: What You Need to Know About Going Global Julie Hannaford, j.hannaford@utoronto.ca Lisa Fannin, Lisa Fannin, doctoral@sgs.utoronto.ca http://homespace.oise.utoronto.ca/~hannafo3/e-ThesesPresentation.ppt LISA Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeco/3931151

General Overview of Process Thesis and dissertation submission must now be made electronically Upload is done via T-Space Upload will be publicly available after convocation Central libraries no longer receive print theses Some campus libraries accept bound theses, check with your graduate unit A processing fee continues – this fee helps to cover indexing and cataloging at Proquest & Dissertation Abstracts International and other administrative costs SGS: Producing Your Thesis LISA

What is T-Space? University of Toronto’s research repository Intended to showcase and preserve scholarly works Support for multiple file formats – now you can upload video/audio/data sets that support your thesis Provides permanent URLs – no more broken links! Searchable via Google or other search engines (with priority ranking) Result: more opportunities for your work to be found, read, and cited JULIE

First Steps T-Space requires that your thesis or dissertation be in PDF format Use Adobe Acrobat Writer or Acrobat Professional software/MS Word 2007 There is support in the Information Commons at Robarts and the Education Commons at OISE if needed, and from the SGS masters and doctoral offices. If you have accompanying material, make sure that it is also available electronically – scan images, prepare audio or video files, etc. Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stjernesol/2726886107 LISA

Next Steps There are naming conventions that you must follow: Thesis: Supplementary files: Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/atoach/3978319410 LISA

Top Ten Formatting Errors Not using the file naming convention Wrong date in the file name – the date must be your graduation year and month Wrong year on the thesis title page and abstract – the year must be the year of graduation and thesis publication, not the year in which you defended LISA

Top Ten Formatting Problems there should be NO page number on the title page the Abstract must be the first numbered page and must be page ii the preliminary section must be numbered in Roman numerals LISA

Top Ten Formatting Problems the main body must be numbered in Arabic numerals beginning with page 1 every page except the title page must be numbered. - no blank pages please! appendices, if any, must be numbered consecutively with the main body of the thesis LISA All of these page numbering problems can be avoided by using the template on the SGS website.

Next Steps Obtain all necessary copyright permissions You need copyright permission if you are using someone else's work, your own previously published material, or work you have co-authored with another; this includes large direct quotes, tables, figures, images, etc. Obtain permission from the copyright holder (who may not be the author) The SGS website provides a sample permissions letter Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/atoach/3978319410 LISA

Additional Info: Copyright Once you have permission, you must cite the work appropriately SHERPA/RoMEO and Rightslink are helpful databases of journal copyright policies and permissions Additional links: Canadian Intellectual Property Office FAQs Canada’s Copyright Act U of T’s Copyright Policy Copyright FAQ for Instructors LISA

Next Steps Submit to the Registrar at OISE if you are an OISE student, or to the SGS for all other students: Written confirmation from your supervisor that your thesis has been approved in its final form All copyright permissions you have obtained Signed and dated Library and Archive Canada Theses Non-Exclusive License Proof of payment of your submission fee On exceptional basis: Restricted Release Form LISA

The Library & Archives Canada License form LISA Gives the University the authority to distribute and publish the thesis, but it is “NON-EXCLUSIVE”, conferring no ownership rights

“Restrict Release” form (for exceptions) LISA Thesis publication is a degree requirement. In exceptional circumstances we will restrict the release of your thesis for up to two years after the normal release date, with the approval of the chair of your graduate unit. Typical reasons include: currently seeking publication of part of your thesis in a journal, or publication of the thesis as a book content of a sensitive nature in the thesis, the publication of which might endanger the wellbeing of the author or of persons associated with the work a patent in process

Ready to Upload! Login to T-Space here using your UTORID, if you are registered in ROSI, you should automatically be authenticated. Once you are logged in, click on “Start a New Submission” JULIE Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zhurnaly/196310475/

Describing Your Thesis JULIE

Describing Your Thesis Fill in the fields to describe your thesis or dissertation Important: Enter your name as it appears in ROSI JULIE

Describing Your Thesis JULIE

Describing Your Thesis To choose a subject code, use this site: UMI Subject Categories Be as descriptive as possible: the more keywords you use the more your work can be found by end users when searching via Google, etc. JULIE

Upload the File JULIE

Verify the File Upload JULIE

Verify Your Description JULIE

Select a CC License (Optional) JULIE

Grant T-Space License JULIE Granting this license is obligatory. It gives the university the right to publish your thesis, which is a degree requirement. If you don’t grant the license, the thesis submission process will stop.

Now What? SGS will review your submission and let you know when it has been approved Once you have attended convocation, your thesis will be made public Search the collections: Masters theses: https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/9947 Doctoral dissertations: https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/9945 JULIE Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carbonnyc/143186839

For the Future… Be aware of copyright issues when you are seeking publication Did you know that when you seek publication, the copyright release form often signs the rights to your work over to the publisher? When working with publishers, you can negotiate your copyright so that you have the right to self-archive or otherwise distribute your work; see the SPARC Author Addendum Protecting your rights as an author allows you greater flexibility with forthcoming publications JULIE

Open Access “Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions” (http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/overview.htm) Open access increases the availability of your academic work to the research community Prioritized  indexing of T-Space content by Google and other search engines improves visibility and citation impact – more people will read your work Granting Councils are increasingly mandating wide dissemination of funded research outputs. CIHR and ERIC now require institutional open access archiving of publications; SSHRC supports open access in principle. JULIE Image credit to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wakingtiger/3157622608/

Interested in Learning More? Check out the library’s Scholarly Communication LibGuide, which contains pages on: Copyright Author’s Rights Open Access Open Data And more…

Contacts: T-Space technical issues: Gabriela.mircea@utoronto.ca Thesis formatting: Information Commons: Amanda.Wagner@utoronto.ca Education Commons: mgreene@oise.utoronto.ca http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ec/Services/Research_Support/APA_Formatting.html