Literature: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 Handouts: * After You Read (a post-read doc for Emperor) Homework: * Read an AR book 20 – 30 minutes daily & record on chart * On notebook paper: 1) Answer questions #2 – 5 on p. 250 (last page of PDF story) 2) Use today’s handout and do . . . Practice 1—find three hyperboles Practice 2—find five idioms Assignments Due: * None
Today’s Goal: Learn more about fairy tales and their distinctive features as you finish reading and analyzing, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” (PDF online, Lit pp. 243 – 250). Outcomes: State what you think is the theme for “The Emperor’s New Clothes” and support your answer. Distinguish between the “plot” and the “theme” of any given story. Define the word “generalization” and analyze generalizations about “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Define the word “motives” and analyze the characters’ motives in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Define the term “character traits” and analyze the character traits of the main character. Define “hyperbole” and find three examples of hyperbole from “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Define “idiom” and find three examples of idioms in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”
Starter: Open your Chromebook to “The Emperor . . .” Yesterday we began reading “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Who can summarize what we have read so far? How would you describe the main character in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”? That is, what are his character traits? Turn to page 246 and read the first paragraph. What “generalization” might someone make about emperors based on this paragraph? Emperors are . . . . Are those generalizations true? Not necessarily—some are, some are not. Turn to p.247, last paragraph in column 1 and first paragraph in column 2. The emperor is surely a powerful person. Yet he is afraid of something. What does he fear? What generalization about human nature could we make based on those two paragraphs? Where did we leave off? Let’s finish reading this story. . . .