Canada at the Beginning of the 20th Century


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Presentation transcript:

Canada at the Beginning of the 20th Century Canada formed by B.N.A. Act in 1867

Canada at the Turn of the Century P.M. Macdonald’s (Conservative) ‘National Policy: expand west, build CPR (RR), and high taxes on imports to encourage Canadian industry

Canada at the Turn of the Century 1896 Wilfrid Laurier (Liberal) - started campaigns to attract more immigrants, build more railroads

Canada at the Turn of the Century prairies begin producing huge crops of wheat, also lumber, pulp & paper booming; gave people money to spend on manufactured goods

Canada at the Turn of the Century factory owners tended to become wealthy while workers had low wages and few protections; gap begins to grow

Canada at the Turn of the Century most Canadians live on farms; ‘simpler’ life until WW I; then life became more complicated, more urban

Canada at the Turn of the Century Canadian foreign policy still run by Britain Boer War: England wants Cdn soldiers to go fight in S. Africa; splits country along Fr/Eng lines

Canada at the Turn of the Century Alaska Boundary Dispute – Br sides with USA over border between Canada and Alaska Free Trade (Reciprocity) – with US – Britain blocked Laurier’s attempt

Canada at the Turn of the Century Canadian Navy – Br wanted Canada to pay for Br Navy, Laurier wanted a Cdn Navy – compromised on a small Cdn navy that would help Britain in war (also split Eng/Fr lines)

Canada at the Turn of the Century Women did not have the right to vote, and were concerned about the violence and domestic problems caused by alcohol

Canada at the Turn of the Century 1874 – “Women’s Christian Temperance Union” (WCTU) formed to try to ban alcohol WCTU joined with the suffragette movement and they worked on their causes together

Canada at the Turn of the Century Leaders in the women’s movement included Emily Murphy (lawyer, magistrate) – fought the ‘person’s case’, and Nellie McClung, (succeeded in getting votes for women in Manitoba in 1916, other provinces followed)