Happy Belated Birthday Nolan! Mrs. Wrenn Room 220 Week of: September 11, 2017 Tu: Writing Notebooks Due Th: Gym F: Picture Day & Welcome Back Potluck Dinner 5pm M 9/18: Library This week in Topic 1 we will explore different ways to represent multiplication such as: repeated addition, skip counting on a number line, and arrays. Ask your child to skip count by 3’s & 4’s. In reading, we will review workshop rules and find partners We will also be assigned reading spots around the classroom. We will practice procedures and begin using our reading logs. We will read books like they are gold! We are continuing to review expected behaviors at MES and will work on coloring in the matrix. We will build our class community by getting to know each other and learning how to be good classroom citizens. Ask your child if he or she has made a new friend! This week in writing we will share our writer’s notebooks and begin using them to write narrative pieces. We will set writing goals, too. Write On! Happy Belated Birthday Nolan! September 8th