Transnational Strategy for the Sustainable Territorial Development of the Danube Area with special regard to Tourism DATOURWAY Project CLOSURE WORKSHOP WP5 Russe, PRESENTATION OF PIP3 CALAFAT-VIDIN - CITY TOURISM AND RURAL NEIGHBORHOOD
Purpose and specific objectives realized The project successfully contributes to the stimulation of the economic development of the border area by means of promotion of the city and rural tourism and will intensify and support the effects of the second Danube bridge between the cities of Vidin and Calafat. It creates prerequisites for the revival of the traditional occupations and the crafts in the region and for economic development based on cultural, eco and alternative tourism.
Stakeholders Local authorities Branch associations Companies and physical persons engaged in the delivery of tourist and restaurant services Craftsmen and craftsmen organizations in the region Cultural communities and organizations
Activities implemented The analyzed area was duly documented Traditional occupations and the crafts in the pilot project area were studied and documented Possibilities for tourism in the pilot area were studied and a five-day tourist sightseeing programme proposed Study visits and joint meetings PR campaign for the promotion of the pilot project results was carried out
Summarization of the Results Tourist guide Traditional crafts and occupations: Vidin District & Dolj County Research on Crafts and Traditional Occupations in the Region of Vidin and Dolj County Five-day tourist programme Cross-border event for the presentation of the pilot project results Comprehensive analysis of the area according to the common methodology Documentation of tourism and urban planning in the area
Achieved values of Indicators: Articles published /media appearance – 2 Publications produced - 2: a brochure (the tourist guide on crafts) and a leaflet (on the 5- day tour) Regional events implemented – 1 Study visits organized – 2 Studies released – 2 Joint action plan produced – 1 Cross border cooperation developed – 1
Publications produced Tourist guide Traditional crafts and occupations: Vidin District & Dolj County copies Leaflet 5 days tour crafts and traditional occupations in Vidin district (North West Bulgaria) and Dolj County (South West Romania) – 500 copies
Proposals for the Datourway strategy To incorporate the best practices for development of cross-border/regional cooperation in tourism –joint preparation and advertising of tourist programmes, joint production of leaflets, booklets and brochure for the purpose, joint promotional events.
Thank You! George Tabakov Chairman of Bulgaria Economic Forum