Era of the Great War Military tactics
In today’s class I am learning to: Military tactics In today’s class I am learning to: Describe different military tactics used during the war
Military tactics When the Great War started it was the largest conflict the world had ever known; this meant new and varied tactics to try and win the fight.
Both sides would fire artillery (large missiles) at the other. Military tactics Both sides would fire artillery (large missiles) at the other. This not only killed large numbers of enemy soldiers (it was the weapon which killed most soldiers during the war) but also led to great fear amongst soldiers.
Sometimes soldiers in the trenches had to go ‘over the top’. Military tactics Sometimes soldiers in the trenches had to go ‘over the top’. This meant a mass attack was planned and the soldiers would climb out of the trenches and charge at the enemy, often resulting in large numbers of deaths.
Tanks were first used during the war. Military tactics Tanks were first used during the war. Originally known as landships, tanks were used to not only attack the enemy but also provide defensive cover for an army’s troops as they went across No Man’s Land.
Military tactics Trained snipers would creep into No Man’s Land at night time and hide under camouflage. They would then wait for an enemy soldier to lift his head out of the trench before shooting them, causing fear amongst the enemy.
Military tactics Gas had been used before 1914, but greater use was made during the Great War. Soldiers exposed to different gas types (including chlorine and mustard) would be disorientated or could even be killed.
Military tactics Winning the war was not just about advancing, it was also about stopping the enemy. Building trenches and then installing machine gun towers made it hard for enemy soldiers to advance, turning the war into a stalemate.
As both sides built trenches it became harder to advance. Military tactics As both sides built trenches it became harder to advance. Both sides then used tunnellers, who would dig under enemy positions and then plant explosives, to destroy the enemies’ land from below.
Countries also made use of airplanes, then a new technology. Military tactics Countries also made use of airplanes, then a new technology. At first these were used to spy on enemy positions, however as the war progressed (and with the adding of guns) these became involved in dog fights too.
Military tactics Navies were used to attack the enemy, both at sea and on land. Naval ships might fire artillery at enemy positions. Britain also successfully used a naval blockade of Germany to try and starve the country into surrender.
Military tactics Submarines were also used during the war, especially by the Germans with their feared U-boats. This was not just to attack military ships, but also to destroy civilian ships believed to be carrying war resources.