W ELFARE T RANSITION P ROGRAM Region 1 Preparing clients to obtain and sustain employment
Our Participants and Staff hard at work developing participant Job Skills
Increase of 7.3% since last year!!!
Increase of 4.7% since last year!!!
Increase of 2.2% since last year!!!
Our Program provides our partners with a steady flow of workers that can be trained at very low cost, and hedge against the costs associated with employee turnover. Our partners experience no payroll expense for our participants. Workers compensation is covered by the state of Florida for all participants. The Internship program provides our partners an opportunity to observe our participants reliability, productivity, and ability to learn. Substantial tax breaks are given through the Worker Opportunity Tax Credit and the Welfare To Work Tax Credit.
We were proud to recognize the two WT Participants Of The Year last Friday at Francos Italian Restaurant. They were recognized for their ability to find and maintain employment. They are two success stories that represent what our program is all about. Stephanie Porter Ketrice Williams