Gallup: TeacherInsight Automated Preliminary Interview System Aiken County Public Schools Gallup: TeacherInsight Automated Preliminary Interview System School Board Presentation February 14, 2012 By ACPS Department of Human Resources
Objectives Evaluate and determine the impact of Aiken County Public Schools’ previous system of completing the preliminary interview process. Briefly discuss TeacherInsight, the automated solution that streamlines the preliminary interview process by providing real-time data on the top candidates for educator positions.
2010-2011 ACPS Human Resources Data Data as of June 9, 2011 620 Active Certified Applicants 370 Applicants completed preliminary interviews from January – June 15+ Applicants awaiting preliminary interviews 1 HR Assistant Reviews applications Reads and responds to applicant emails Completes a preliminary review of certification Confers with applicants Schedules preliminary interviews Enters applicant preliminary interview results Creates folders for new applicants Schedules and creates packets for recruitment fairs Facilitates administrator interview process
ACPS Previous Preliminary Interview Process (Educators) Principals and Assistant Principals are sent a list of scheduled preliminary interview dates Principals and Assistant Principals send a response confirming availability Preliminary Interviews are scheduled from January – June (HR or Career Fairs) January – 8 Applicants February – 24 Applicants March – 40 Applicants April – 52 Applicants May – 73 Applicants June – 106 June February – March – 67 Applicants completed preliminary interviews
Pros/Cons Previous Interview Processes Failed to secure potential candidates Administrators spent time away from their buildings to interview applicants who would not benefit their hiring 4 applicants interviewed per day Travel for distant applicants Challenging to screen all recruitment fair participants Constant interview question revision and training needed No system for determining if an educator is a best fit for locations Pros Allows for face to face interaction with potential teaching candidates Assist with teacher recruitment efforts; therefore, some applicants are interviewed without traveling to Aiken
Gallup: TeacherInsight An automated solution Easy and Paperless Quickly identifies high potential candidates Implementation Timeline September 2010 - Initiated research on plausible solutions November 7, 2011 - Send out correspondence to current applicants noting the screening change November 17, 2011 – Benedict College Recruitment Day November 18, 2011 - USCA Educator Recruitment Day December 5 - 6, 2011 - Gallup Training
Application Processing Certified Applications CERRA (electronically assessable online application) Gallup TeacherInsight Survey (new) Developed based on 4 years of research on studies of successful teachers Web-based teacher assessment with five important characteristics Research-based Valid Reliable Fast EEOC Defensible If we are to build engaged schools, the first step is to hire great teachers.
Gallup: TeacherInsight An automated solution Streamlines the hiring process Quickly Access all applicants who apply for positions in the District Avoid losing candidates who are called too late or not at all Avoid losing candidates to competing districts Real-time Results at Gallup Website Integrated with applicant tracking systems Measures talent and the potential for excellence Achievement Drive, Student and Parent Relationships, Classroom Structure and Planning
Gallup: TeacherInsight An automated solution For Candidates Approx. 40 minutes to complete Multiple choice items Likert Scale response statements For Administrators and District Staff System access at any time to review results For HR Streamlined paper process More time to focus on applicants Simplified data input Better use of staff time