MATTHEW 1:18-21 The Moral Thread: Joseph, engaged to a pregnant girl. (Unacceptable in the Jewish Culture) 1. Collapse of all their hopes and dreams. 2. Opportunity for the whole plan fail. 3. Both Mary and Joseph had to “trust the Word of the Lord.”
LUKE 2:1-7 The Political Thread: MATTHEW 2:16-18 Caesar Augustus Taxation, (Exercising Political muscle) (Caesar is lord contrasting with ‘Jesus is Lord’) MATTHEW 2:16-18 King Herod’s assassination of the children
The Spiritual Thread: I Timothy 6:6-8 Hebrews 13:5
Application for Advent Conspiracy The pressures of the culture abound The principles of Christmas abound The priorities of the follower of Christ Spend Less The proclamation of the message of Christmas THE CHILD WHO CHANGED THE WORLD