Surgenia Rosa Munoz International Projects Technological Centre of Andalusian Design Non Profit Private Research Centre Spain
SURGENIA, TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE OF ANDALUSIAN DESIGN / CENTRE DESCRIPTION Private Research Centre focused on R&D&I using design as tool. It works with creative industry, manufacturing and other services industries to foster innovation and contribute to the improvement of citizens’ quality of life. / EXPERTISE Innovation through design projects. Consumer behavior and design trends research. Industry Strategic Planning and cluster boost policies for creative industries and design-centered products industries. SURGENIA, TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE OF ANDALUSIAN DESIGN
ENV.2013.6.2-5 Urban biodiversity and green infrastructure Sound evidence for green infrastructure development. Strategies for planning and design. Assess the potential of sustainable use. Status, trends, role and needs. Health and wellbeing / WHAT WE CAN PROVIDE: Apply and deepen in the findings of Surgenia’s design and behaviour trends observatory regarding sustainable building and sustainable landscape. Provide the knowledge about Andalusian arquitecture arquetypes related to traditional and sustainable systems. From the results of our R&D project: DATEC, we can provide experience in understanding urban spaces design to contribute to biodiversity and mitigate global warming effects in urban areas. EXPRESION OF INTEREST
We would like to contact to international partners interested in the topic described above, preferably with experience in 7th Frame Work Programme and capacity to lead. OUR REQUEST Surgenia Rosa Munoz International Projects Technological Centre of Andalusian Design Non Profit Private Research Centre Spain