Lock Down Quick Guide BHS SY18-19 PRESS SPACE BAR TO ADVANCE THE SLIDE Lock Down Quick Guide BHS SY18-19
“Stay in Place” Stops Movement in the Building A Stay in Place, depending on the nature of the emergency it may become necessary for the school to conduct a shelter-in- place which means that no one will be permitted to enter or leave the building. A stay in place is not a threat to safety of students of staff. Staff and students would seek shelter in a classroom or other designated area. Ventilation systems would be shut off by the custodian. What to do: Listen, Quick Peek, Pull Students into classrooms from hallway, Lock the door, Teacher will update attendance, You can admit people coming to the door. Keep teaching and learning, and follow all PA instructions. An example of a shelter in place event could be a chemical spill or a severe weather event, possible medical emergency in the building.
Lock Down / Stay In Place – NO THREAT Not an escalation of response. No threat to students or staff. There is no danger for this type of procedure. Stay-In-Place is basically we continue as normal, with the exception of leaving the classroom. Basically nothing too serious. Directions will be made over the PA system Different responses for different circumstances, listen for PA announcements.
Lock Down – Potential Threat A lockdown is when someone who is deemed a threat is inside the building. It can be weapon related concern & or EDP’s EDP – Emotionally Disturbed Person. What to do: Listen, Quick Peek, Pull students into classrooms from hallway, Lock the door(s), Once in lock-down mode you are committed to your location Barring a “think on your feet” moment – do NOT OPEN DOORS. Teachers are asked to base their reactions based on a common sense assessment and best professional judgment. In a lockdown students will only be released by the police. Turn off lights, monitors, and projectors Go to a Safe Spot Update Attendance Wait for unlock procedure (not done over the PA) – Email or Text Alerts
Lock Down/Lock Out – Potential Threat A lockdown is when someone who is deemed a threat is inside the building. Teachers are asked to base their reactions based on a common sense assessment and best professional judgment. In a lockdown students will only be released by the police. An example of a lock-down event could be an a parent or repair person did not check in at the front desk to receive a pass, therefore sending an alert there is a stranger on campus. LOCK OUT A lock-out is utilized when there is a dangerous situation occurring outside and near the school grounds. No one will be permitted to enter or leave the school during a lock-out. All outside doors will be secured by the school staff. Classes will continue as normal until the situation allows for the lock-out to be terminated. An example of a lock-out event could be an active Police situation in the vicinity of the school.
Lock – In A dangerous situation occurring within the school building itself. The last type of emergency response is the lock-in. This is utilized when there is a dangerous situation occurring within the school building itself. It is not safe to evacuate the school due to the situation. When the school is notified to go into lock-in all occupants will secure themselves in the nearest classroom or other securable room. Windows will be covered and all students and staff should remain low to the ground and away from windows. Everyone will remain as quiet as possible and will not answer doors for anyone. Lights off, cell phones off, monitors off Teachers will account for students within their classroom. An example of a lock-in event could be an armed intruder in the school who has either shown a weapon or actually started shooting at people.
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