Preliminary Summary of 2010 Ozone Season in New Jersey
Weather Summary
Days Over 90 Degrees In New Jersey Rank Year Days > 90 Degrees 1 2010 52 2 1983 47 3 1898 40 4 1895 37 5 1894 36 1991 2002 7 1999 34 8 1912 32 9 1944 10 1959 11 1966 12 1988 Source: New Jersey State Climatologist Data are preliminary and subject to change Data through September 8, 2010
Summer Average Temperatures 10 Highest Years (June – August) Data Since 1895 Rank Year Summer Avg. Temp. 1 2010 76.1 2 2005 75.6 3 1949 74.6 4 1999 74.5 5 2002 74.4 6 2006 74.3 7 1955 74.1 8 2008 74.0 9 1900 73.9 10 1943 73.8 11 1973 12 1988 Source: New Jersey State Climatologist Data are preliminary and subject to change
Summer Precipitation 10 Driest Years Rank Year Precipitation Amount 1 1966 5.67” 2 1957 5.73” 3 1929 7.10” 4 1949 7.65” 5 1964 7.89” 6 1916 8.09” 7 1923 8.12” 8 2010 8.27” 9 1963 8.28” 10 1944 8.32” Source: New Jersey State Climatologist Data are preliminary and subject to change
Ozone Summary
Ozone Standards 1-Hour Standard: 0.12 ppm 1997: Revised to an 8 – Hour Standard of 0.08 ppm 2008: 8 – Hour Standard Lowered to 0.075 ppm January 6, 2010: Proposed Lowering to 0.060 – 0.070 ppm and Adding A Secondary Standard
Proposed Secondary Ozone Standard W 126 Index in Range of 7 to 15 ppm-hours Daily W126 Index: sum of the sigmoidally weighted hourly ozone concentrations during the 12-hour daylight period, 8:00 a.m. to 7:59 p.m. Highest 3 – Month Sum
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Maximum 8-Hour Average of 0.111 ppm at Bayonne on July 6, 2010 Unhealthy Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Moderate Good
Preliminary 8- Hour Design Values For New Jersey Sites 2008 – 2010 Parts per Million (ppm) Site 4th Max 2008 4th Max 2009 4th Max 2010* Design Value Ancora 0.082 ppm 0.071 ppm 0.088 ppm 0.080 ppm Bayonne 0.081 ppm 0.069 ppm 0.077 ppm Brigantine 0.072 ppm 0.074 ppm Chester 0.068 ppm 0.078 ppm 0.076 ppm Clarksboro 0.089 ppm 0.083 ppm Colliers Mills 0.085 ppm Flemington 0.070 ppm 0.079 ppm Leonia Millville Newark+ 0.064 ppm 0.075 ppm Ramapo Rider University 0.086 ppm Rutgers University 0.067 ppm * 2010 data is preliminary and subject to change. 4th Max is based on data through September 3, 2010 + Newark site was not operational in 2008
4th Highest 1 Hour Daily Maximum Ozone 4th Highest 1 Hour Daily Maximum Parts Per Billion 2008 – Sept. 10, 2010 Location Highest 2nd Highest 3rd Highest 4th Highest Design Value Ancora 126 108 107 101 Bayonne 119 106 103 Brigantine 100 90 89 Camden 112 109 102 91 (109) Chester 99 94 Clarksboro 122 118 Colliers Mills 124 121 Flemington 105 Leonia 117 113 111 Millville 97 Monmouth University 110 Newark Fire House 104 98 (104) Ramapo 95 92 Rider University Rutgers University ( ) – Based on only one full year’s data Preliminary Data – Subject to Change