River pollution By Giri Prasad Gurunathan, B.Tech. Civil, ACET.
POLLUTION Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. They are majorly divided as; Air Soil Water
WATER Pollution The water pollution is the process of contamination of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds, oceans and more. It includes contamination by pollutants such as chemical, bacterial or particulate that reduces the purity of the water Types; Surface Water Marine Ground Water
India at a Glance Area 3.28 million sq km (2% of world ’ s total ) Population 1.2 Billion (16% of world’s total ) Coordinates8 0 4 ’ and ’ North latitudes ’ and East longitudes Climate Tropical Land Frontier 15,200 km Coastline 7,500 km No. of States/ UTs 29 States and 7 Union territories Water : 4% Of world’s total
SURFACE or RIVER Water Pollution Pollution of Water or Contamination Of water either directly or indirectly due to pollutants in river is river pollution. Source; Domestic Waste: Like detergents, Sewage, Garbage, … Agricultural Waste: Like Fertilizer, Pesticides, … Industrial Waste: Like toxic Substance, grease, oil, acid, …
Zone Of Pollution D.O. Zone Of Clear water Zone Of Degradation Zone Of Decomposition Zone Of Recovery Zone Of Clear water Waste Water
Limits….. LImItsLImIts
– These Are Some Of Cause or Reason…. – Industrial waste – Improper practices in agricultural sector – Reduction in water quantity in rivers in plains – Social and religious practices like dumping dead bodies in water, bathing, throwing waste in water – Oil leaks from ships – Acid rain – Global warming – Eutrophication – Inadequate industrial treatment of wastes – Denitrification
Effects Water pollution can have some tremendously-adverse effect on the health of any and every life Effects… – Water becomes dangerous to drink: Humans have less safe drinking water. – Less clean water for agriculture: we need unpolluted water to irrigate crops, too. – Economic costs: When water has been polluted, there is money needed to purify water, remove plastics from water bodies and so on. – Change in water color: Polluted water becomes visibly different. – Water-borne diseases: Living near to polluted water can put humans at risk of diseases.
– Fewer possibilities for leisure: Swimming, sailing, surfing and other water sports are definitely not advised in polluted water. – Acidic rain: When toxic gases and smoke is released from industries, cars and homes, the gases lead to formation of acid rain. Acidic rain is a threat to human health and it also affects the living organisms in soil. – Genetic mutations: The genes of marine and freshwater plants and animals mutate – Acid oceans: pollution causes the oceans to acidify. – Algae bloom: An excess of oxygen in waters due to a change in the chemical composition causes algae to bloom in overabundance and block out the light in pools and river. – Damage to the ecosystems: Ecosystem is the interaction of living things, depending on each other for life.
Out of the 445 rivers surveyed, not even a quarter of them are fit for bathing. Indian cities generate 10 billion gallons or 38 billion litres of municipal waste water every day, out of which only 29% of it is treated. The Central Pollution Control Board also stated that there were only 160 sewerage systems and sewage treatment plants in nearly 8,000 towns surveyed in 2011.
SOLUTION… – Treatment plants – Cleaning up waterways and beaches – Avoiding the usage of non-biodegradable material like plastic – Being more involved in various measures pertaining to preventing water pollution. – Avoid pouring medicine and insecticides in toilets and sinks – Use manure instead of fertilizers
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